Asked by Adriana Carrasco on Jul 11, 2024



What is the most famous characteristic of Bethlehem Hospital, founded in London in 1547?

A) Popularly called "Bedlam," it came to represent deplorable conditions for patients.
B) It was the first asylum founded by Hippocrates.
C) It was founded by Henry VIII as a place to house his numerous ex-wives.
D) It was the first asylum where the moral treatment of patients was practiced.

Bethlehem Hospital

Historically known as Bedlam, it is one of the world's oldest hospitals for the treatment of mental illness, founded in London in the 13th century.


Historically, a term associated with the Bethlem Royal Hospital in London, now colloquially used to describe a scene of chaos or madness.

Deplorable Conditions

Extremely bad or unpleasant situations or environments, often referring to living conditions that are not fit for human inhabitation.

  • Identify historical institutions and their roles in the treatment of mental disorders, like Bethlehem Hospital.

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Explanation :
Bethlehem Hospital, more famously known as "Bedlam," is notorious for the appalling conditions in which its patients were kept, especially during the 18th and 19th centuries. This has made "Bedlam" synonymous with chaos and disorder.