Asked by navya chava on Sep 23, 2024

What perspective did the Bolsheviks in Russia have during the early twentieth century?

A) Bolsheviks believed revolution was only possible through democratic means.
B) Bolsheviks saw the peasantry as the revolutionary class.
C) Bolsheviks supported the First World War as a means of increasing Russian power.
D) Bolsheviks thought only a minority of workers would be politically conscious and that they would have to be led by intellectuals.
E) Bolsheviks insisted that a bourgeois revolution would have to precede the proletarian revolution.

Politically Conscious

Being politically conscious refers to the awareness and concern about political issues, policies, and the overall political environment, often leading to active participation in political processes.


A faction of the Russian Social Democratic Party, led by Vladimir Lenin, that seized power in Russia in 1917 and established a communist government.

Proletarian Revolution

A uprising led by the working-class to overthrow the bourgeoisie and establish a classless society.

  • Understand the viewpoints and assertions put forth by Lenin and the Bolsheviks, encompassing the "April Theses."