Asked by Nishant Naresh on Sep 25, 2024

What should you consider when providing education in a nutrition counseling session?

A) Goal setting should be used with clients at all motivational stages.
B) Before providing education, elicit the client's questions and concerns.
C) Provide education at the beginning of the counseling session.
D) Include numerous learning objectives in case the client does not return for follow-up.
E) Clients who report numerous barriers to change are actually unmotivated.

Nutrition Counseling

The process where a nutrition expert advises individuals on dietary habits and strategies to promote health and manage diseases.

Goal Setting

The process of identifying specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objectives to strive for.

Learning Objectives

Clearly defined goals or outcomes of education or training, specifying what the learner should know, understand, or be able to do after the process.

  • Identify best practices in providing education during nutrition counseling sessions.