Asked by Amanda Allen on Apr 25, 2024



What significance does the level of participation have to an online community and what effect do lurkers have?

Participation Level

The degree or extent to which an individual or group engages in a particular activity or process.

Online Community

A group of individuals who interact with each other via the internet, sharing interests, goals, or purposes, and often forming a social network.


Individuals or users who observe or read content on online platforms without actively engaging, contributing, or making their presence known.

  • Determine the function and influence of observers in digital community settings.
  • Appreciate the dynamics and significance of participation levels in online communities.

Verified Answer

Dubzzy EDMer7 days ago
Final Answer :
For an online community to thrive, a significant proportion of its members must participate. Otherwise the site will fail to offer fresh material and ultimately traffic will slow. Participation can be a challenge though; most users are lurkers: they absorb content others post but they don't usually contribute their own. Researchers estimate that only one percent of a typical community's users regularly participate and another nine percent do so only intermittently. The remaining 90% just observe what's on the site, so they don't add a lot of value-other than adding to the number of "eyeballs" the site can claim when it tries to convince advertisers to buy space.
How can a site convert lurkers into active users? The easier it is to participate, the more likely it is that the community can generate activity among a larger proportion of visitors. In part this means ensuring that there are several ways to participate that vary in terms of their ease of use. Facebook is an example of an online community that has figured out how to offer several forms of participation. Members can post status updates (very easy), make comments, upload pictures, share notes and links, play social games, answer quizzes, decorate their profiles, upload videos, and create events (a bit harder), among other forms of participation.