Asked by Sangeetha Gnana on Sep 28, 2024

What would happen if you were to lose all your glial cells

A)  There would be no change in functioning, because neurons are the cells that are important for transmission of information within the nervous system. 
B)  One hemisphere could not send information to the other hemisphere. 
C)  Your neurons would no longer have a normal chemical environment, and there would be problems with efficient neurotransmission. 
D)  You would no longer be able to send neurotransmitters from one cell to another.

Glial Cells

Non-neuronal cells in the central and peripheral nervous system that support, protect, and nourish neurons, playing a key role in maintaining brain health.


The process by which nerve cells communicate with each other through the exchange of chemical signals.


Electrically excitable cells that are the basic units of the nervous system, responsible for receiving sensory input and transmitting motor commands.

  • Acknowledge the protective contributions of glial cells to the central nervous system's health.