Asked by Loriann Rankine on Sep 30, 2024



When Henrik's Uncle Oleg visits,Oleg always gives Henrik an intense tickling and will stop this "tickle-torture" only when Henrik says "Uncle." Henrik's response of saying "Uncle" is strengthened through which process

A)  avoidance learning
B)  punishment 
C)  negative reinforcement
D)  positive reinforcement

Avoidance Learning

A process in behavioral psychology where a subject learns to prevent the occurrence of an unpleasant stimulus by performing a particular behavior.

Negative Reinforcement

A behavioral strategy where an aversive stimulus is removed following a desired behavior, increasing the frequency of that behavior.


A consequence that reduces the likelihood of a behavior occurring in the future, often used in behavior modification strategies.

  • Comprehend the principles of avoidance and escape learning.

Verified Answer

Lindsey Davis44 minutes ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Negative reinforcement involves the removal of an unpleasant stimulus to increase the likelihood of a behavior recurring in the future. In this case, the tickling is the unpleasant stimulus and saying "Uncle" removes it, which reinforces the behavior of saying "Uncle" in similar future situations. This is different from punishment, which involves the application of an unpleasant stimulus to decrease the likelihood of a behavior occurring again. Avoidance learning involves learning to avoid an unpleasant stimulus altogether. Positive reinforcement involves the addition of a desirable stimulus to increase the likelihood of a behavior recurring in the future, which is not the case in this scenario.