Asked by Jayraj Gadhavi on Jul 15, 2024



When your psychology professor is lecturing to your class,your professor can tell which students are sitting in the first,second,third,etc.,row,in part because students in the closer rows obstruct his or her view of students in more distant rows.Which depth cue does this illustrate

A)  texture gradient
B)  relative size 
C)  interposition
D)  linear perspective


A visual cue that allows us to perceive the depth by understanding that if one object partly blocks another, the blocking object is closer to the observer.

Texture Gradient

A visual cue used to perceive depth, where the texture of a surface appears denser as the distance from the observer increases.

Relative Size

A perceptual clue that allows the observation of the size of an object in relation to other objects in its surrounding, contributing to the perception of depth.

  • Gain insight into the basics of depth cues and their utilization in the perception of depth across two and three dimensions.

Verified Answer

Final Answer :
Explanation :
Interposition is the depth cue that occurs when one object obstructs the view of another object, making the first object appear closer than the obstructed object. In this scenario, the students in closer rows obstruct the view of students in more distant rows, creating an interposition cue that the professor uses to determine their relative distance. The other depth cues - texture gradient, relative size, and linear perspective - do not play a significant role in this situation.