Asked by Simone Steele on Sep 26, 2024

Which of the following correctly describes the bond angle and hybridizations present in formaldehyde?

A) C, sp2; O, sp3; HCO, ~120°
B) C, sp2; O, sp2; HCO, ~120°
C) C, sp2; O, sp2; HCO, ~109.5°
D) C, sp3; O, sp2; HCO, ~109.5°
E) C, sp3; O, sp3; HCO, ~109.5°

Bond Angle

The angle formed between two bonds that originate from the same atom.


The concept in chemistry where atomic orbitals mix to form new hybrid orbitals suitable for the pairing of electrons to form chemical bonds in molecules.


A colorless, strong-smelling gas used in making building materials and many household products, known chemically as CH2O.

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