Asked by Ngh?a Th??ng on Jun 17, 2024



Which of the following essential aspects of Giddens' structuration is modern? Select all, but only those that apply.

A) Distanciation
B) Disembedding
C) Reflexivity
D) Disflexivity


A concept in social science that explains how social structures are produced and reproduced through the actions and interactions of individuals.


The ability of an individual or system to reflect upon and adjust itself based on awareness of itself and its context.

  • Understand the operation of disembedding and reflexivity as central dynamics of the modern era.

Verified Answer

Palak Patel8 days ago
Final Answer :
A, B, C
Explanation :
All three choices (Distanciation, Disembedding, and Reflexivity) are essential aspects of Giddens' structuration theory that are modern. Distanciation refers to the way modern society creates distance between individuals and social structures, Disembedding refers to the way modern society detaches individuals from traditional social structures, and reflexivity refers to the way modern society encourages individuals to reflect upon and question their own actions and the social systems they are a part of. Disflexivity is not an essential aspect of Giddens' structuration theory.