Asked by april Whitfield on Sep 30, 2024

Which of the following is NOT one of the implied warranties that the assignor gives to the assignee?

A) That the obligor has capacity to contract.
B) That the contract is not voidable for any reason known to the assignor.
C) That the assignor has good title to the rights assigned.
D) That the obligor is solvent.

Implied Warranties

Guarantees that are not written down or explicitly stated but are understood to exist in a transaction, providing assurance that a product or service will meet certain standards.


The party in a contract who transfers their rights or interests to another party, known as the assignee.


An individual or entity to whom rights or obligations are transferred from another party.

  • Discern and outline the differences between assignment and delegation in contractual frameworks.
  • Acquire knowledge on the legal ramifications and criteria for an effective assignment and delegation.