Asked by Asuliwonno Christopher on Sep 30, 2024

Which of the following situations would not satisfy a state's long-arm statute?

A) The defendant committed a tort while in the state.
B) The defendant wrote a defamatory statement about one of the state's residents on a website.
C) The defendant committed a tort outside of the state that nonetheless caused harm to the state.
D) A business buys and sells good within the state.

Long-Arm Statute

A law that allows for the service of process beyond the borders of a state to individuals or entities that have sufficient connections to the state.


A private (civil) wrong against a person or his property.

Defamatory Statement

is a false communication, either spoken (slander) or written (libel), that injures someone's reputation.

  • Learn about the various jurisdictional rationales and their significance for state and federal judicial systems.