Asked by Prashant Ratna on Sep 30, 2024

Which of the following statements about noncompetition agreements is false?

A) Without a noncompetition agreement,the ex-employee is normally free to compete with her former employer on the basis of trade secrets and skills obtained during the employment relationship.
B) Noncompetition agreements often go well beyond the important and legally recognized interest in preserving trade secrets.
C) Noncompetition agreements that strike the court as too broad may be ruled unenforceable.
D) Noncompetition agreements that extend beyond trade secret protection will be enforced if they have narrowly defined terms of duration,geographic area,and a relationship to legitimate business interests of the employer.

Noncompetition Agreements

Contracts restricting a person's ability to work in a competing business or industry for a specified period after leaving an employer.

Trade Secrets

Confidential information, practices, or processes used by a company that provide it with a competitive advantage.

Employment Relationship

The legal and practical connection between an employer and an employee.

  • Understand the enforceability and boundaries pertaining to noncompetition agreements and clauses.