Asked by Bryan Baker on Sep 30, 2024

Which of the following statements about radio in the 1920s is LEAST accurate?

A) Radio exposed white listeners to the works of black artists whose works they might have otherwise rejected out of hand.
B) Radio allowed black listeners to hear the work of black artists whose live performances took place in clubs which excluded blacks.
C) Even as black artists came to dominate the national airwaves,they received little exposure on local stations,which mostly remained under the control of conservative white owners.
D) Black musical styles such as jazz and dance band became the most popular musical trends in America,thanks largely to the radio.


A technology for the wireless transmission of sound broadcasts to a wide audience, playing a key role in mass communication throughout the 20th century.

Black Artists

Artists of African descent or those identifying as black who contribute to various forms of art, including visual arts, music, dance, and performance.

Conservative White Owners

Generally refers to white land and business owners who traditionally hold conservative political and social views, often prioritizing property rights and economic status quo.

  • Apprehend the essential motifs and characters in the development and fame of jazz throughout the early 20th century.
  • Assess the contribution of African American musicians and filmmakers to American culture and their recognition on a global scale.