Asked by basit alamgir on Sep 30, 2024

Which of the following was the court's holding in the Coomer v.Kansas City Royals Baseball in the text?

A) The risk of injury from the hotdog toss was not one of the risks inherent in watching the baseball game and the defendants owed the plaintiff a duty to use reasonable care.
B) The risk of injury from the hotdog toss was foreseeable and the defendants were not liable.
C) Risk,if any,could not be eliminated so the defendants were not liable.
D) The plaintiff assumed the risk when he was hit with a hotdog.

Coomer v. Kansas City Royals Baseball Corp.

A legal case that addressed the issue of spectator injuries at sporting events and the scope of liability for professional sports teams.

Hotdog Toss

A promotional or entertainment activity commonly seen at sports events where hotdogs are thrown or launched into the audience.

Reasonable Care

The level of care that an ordinary, prudent person would use in similar circumstances to avoid causing harm to others.

  • Analyze and interpret major court decisions and their impact on law.