Asked by Ashley Dixon on Apr 24, 2024



Which principle is also called the "greatest happiness principle"?

A) The principle of utility
B) The principle of double effect
C) The pleasure principle
D) The paternalist principle

Greatest Happiness Principle

The ethical principle that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness, core to Utilitarian philosophy.


In economics and philosophy, the measure of satisfaction or benefit that an individual receives from a choice or action; in utilitarianism, it's the overall happiness or good produced.

Double Effect

An ethical principle that allows actions which have two effects: one intended and good, and the other unintended and potentially harmful, under certain conditions.

  • Recognize the inherent principles suggested by various moral philosophies.

Verified Answer

Hamizan Kamal1 week ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
The principle of utility is also known as the "greatest happiness principle" because it advocates for actions that produce the greatest overall happiness for the greatest number of people.