Asked by amirul azrie on Sep 29, 2024

Which statement best describes subliminal perception

A)  Subliminal perception is possible only if sensory adaptation has taken place. 
B)  Although subliminal perception was once dismissed by scientists as preposterous, recent laboratory evidence suggests it has some effects on behaviour. 
C)  Scientists have conclusively demonstrated that perception simply cannot take place without conscious awareness. 
D)  Recent research suggests that subliminal messages can be quite persuasive in convincing us to buy products we don't want.

Subliminal Perception

The process by which stimuli presented below the threshold of conscious awareness can influence thoughts, feelings, or actions, despite the individual being unaware of the stimuli.

Sensory Adaptation

The process by which sensory receptors become less sensitive to constant stimuli over time, allowing organisms to focus on changes in their environment.

Conscious Awareness

The state of being aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.

  • Understand subliminal perception and its effects on human behavior.