Asked by Sarah Randolph on Apr 24, 2024



Why might someone want to distort or withhold access to information?

Withhold Access

The act of denying or restricting availability to certain resources, information, or locations.


Data, facts, or details that are provided or learned about something or someone.

  • Examine the ethical aspects of employing diverse tactics of persuasion in professional environments.

Verified Answer

Mudassar Fahad6 days ago
Final Answer :
Student answers may vary. A leader who controls the flow of vital information about outside events has an opportunity to interpret these events for subordinates and influence their perception and attitudes. Some managers distort information to persuade people that a particular course of action is desirable. Examples of information distortion include selective editing of reports and documents, biased interpretation of data, and presentation of false information. Some managers use their control over the distribution of information as a way to enhance their expert power and increase subordinate dependence. If the leader is the only one who "knows what is going on," subordinates will lack evidence to dispute the leader's claim that an unpopular decision is justified by circumstances. Control of information also makes it easier for a leader to cover up failures and mistakes that would otherwise undermine a carefully cultivated image of expertise. It has been common practice for political dictators to limit follower access to sources of information, and in recent times this practice has included limiting access to the Internet and preventing opponents from communicating any criticism of the leader's decisions. If a leader is completely dependent on a subordinate to interpret complex analyses of operating information, the subordinate may be invited to participate directly in making decisions based on these analyses. Even when not actively participating in the decision process, a subordinate who provides most of the information for a decision has substantial influence over it. Control over operating information also enables subordinates to magnify accomplishments, cover up mistakes, and exaggerate the amount of expertise and resources needed to do their work.