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miguel velasquez

2 days ago

What advice would you give to a writer considering revising the long paragraph below? (Numbers were inserted to identify the sentences; they will not appear in the finished document.) (1) Although graphics can enhance a website, they can also serve as a distraction. (2) Having too many graphics that do not contribute to the content of the site may make your company appear unprofessional, as well as contributing to slow download times. (3) Your site, for example, has thirty moving images. (4) Such images do not reflect the serious nature of your business. (5) When it comes to graphics, we suggest you adopt a "less is more" approach. (6) Another troublesome feature of your site is the scrolling banner used as a navigation element. (7) To reach certain pages on your site, users must quickly click the links scrolling across the banner. (8) If they miss a link, they must wait another 20 seconds until the link scrolls by again. (9) Because this site is not designed to be a game but rather a place for customers to learn more about handling hazardous materials, you should not use a scrolling banner as a navigation element. (10) We recommend that you use standard navigation buttons aligned along the left margin or across the top of the page. (11) Also, you may want to include a text-only navigation element at the bottom of the page.

A) Start a new paragraph at (4) .
B) Start a new paragraph at (6) .
C) Start a new paragraph at (9) .
D) The excerpt is most effective as it is, as a single paragraph.