
18. Galuh Mafela Mutiara Sujak




Restaurants' demand for cooks and waiters is inseparably linked to the supply of __________.

On Jul 25, 2024

restaurant meals


Double taxation refers to which of the following scenarios?

A) Both bondholders and shareholders must pay taxes.
B) The corporation pays taxes on earnings, and creditors pay taxes on interest received.
C) The corporation pays taxes on its earnings, and shareholders pay taxes on dividends.
D) The corporation pays taxes on revenues and expenses.
E) The corporation pays taxes on revenues and earnings.

On Jul 25, 2024



One answer to the problem of natural monopoly is provision of the good by a government-owned and operated firm. Why is that option not used very often?

On Jul 23, 2024

We cannot necessarily expect more efficient production from a government firm. There is little personal incentive for managers of such a firm to cut costs or to manage in the interest of the general public rather than for their own professional and personal interests. Rational voter ignorance reduces the ability of voters to understand, monitor, and control the firm. There is no small group of shareholders to gain by taking control and increasing efficiency. Consumers often have good substitutes available for the government monopoly production, so their desires may not be served.


Relatively rapid U.S. growth between 2002 and 2007 contributed to large U.S. trade deficits by

A) increasing U.S. national income, which decreased U.S. exports.
B) reducing real interest rates in the United States.
C) increasing U.S. tax revenues and reducing the federal budget deficit.
D) increasing U.S. national income, which increased U.S. imports.

On Jun 24, 2024



The built-in dishwasher in Fernando's apartment is most like a:

A) courtesy.
B) personal property.
C) trade fixture.
D) fixture.

On Jun 23, 2024



If a nation has a comparative advantage in the production of good X,this means that the nation

A) cannot benefit by producing and trading this product.
B) gives up less of alternative goods than other nations in producing a unit of X.
C) has a production possibilities curve identical to those of other nations.
D) is not subject to opportunity costs in producing good X.

On May 25, 2024



Emmett has always wanted a sports car. He has finally graduated from college and is working at his first job. He realizes to make his dream come true, he needs to save up for a down payment and then work out how he will pay the monthly loan amount. Using goal-setting theory, give the direct and indirect effects of Emmett's scenario?

On May 24, 2024

Direct effects motivate and energize us, helping to achieve objectives. Indirect effects encourage us to use cognitive skills, such as planning and strategizing to attain goals. Direct effect of buying the sports car is owning it. Indirect effect would be how he will work out paying the monthly loan payment.