


Taxes deductible as an itemized deduction include all of the following except:

A) Personal property taxes based on the value of the property.
B) Taxes that the taxpayer paid on property owned by his/her parents or children.
C) State and local income taxes.
D) Real estate property taxes based on the assessed value of the property.

On Jul 15, 2024



Revised Article 3 of the UCC provides that the drawer of a cashier's check has the same obligation as the issuer of a note.

On Jul 09, 2024



On April 3, Villa Corp. returned merchandise that had a selling price of $1,200 for a cash refund. The merchandise originally cost $720. What is the effect on the accounting equation of the following entries for this return? On April 3, Villa Corp. returned merchandise that had a selling price of $1,200 for a cash refund. The merchandise originally cost $720. What is the effect on the accounting equation of the following entries for this return?

On Jun 15, 2024

The first entry reduces assets and liabilities by the amount of the refund. The second entry increases an asset (Inventory) and decreases an asset (Estimated Return Inventory)


Which term is used to describe the degree of urgency an individual attaches to the satisfaction of a particular need?

A) hierarchy of needs
B) need deprivation
C) needs analysis
D) need salience

On Jun 08, 2024



If the party that dishonors an instrument is a collection bank,when must the collecting bank give notice of the dishonor to a secondarily liable party?

A) Before midnight of the next banking day
B) Within 48 hours
C) Within 7 days
D) Within 10 days
E) Within 30 days

On May 16, 2024



Which of the following was not among the steps taken by Exxon to spread doubt about climate change?

A) Funding nonprofits that called climate change into question.
B) Making campaign contributions to those who felt climate science was too uncertain to affect policy.
C) Hiring lobbyists to convince policy makers that climate change was uncertain.
D) Funding an in-house research team to produce unbiased analysis of the effects of carbon dioxide on the atmosphere.

On May 09, 2024



As demonstrated in Sekhar v.United States,the case in the text,courts carefully scrutinize,and narrowly construe criminal statutes in an effort to:

A) make certain whether a defendant's acts were prohibited by the legislature.
B) understand why the legislature banned certain acts.
C) determine the proper sentence.
D) rewrite the statutes for clarity.

On May 08, 2024