


What is the significance of the Mayflower Compact?

A) It was the first written frame of government in the American colonies.
B) It formally acknowledged Indian ownership of their ancestral territories.
C) It established the headright system.
D) It was only signed by the wealthiest of the colonists.
E) It acknowledged that women had the right to vote.

On Jul 31, 2024



By 1680, a sharp divergence in the conditions of African and English people in the Chesapeake had emerged. What is an indication of English North America's transformation from a "society with slaves" to a "slave society"?

A) Black slaves were listed by terms of service in registers of property.
B) In unions between free and enslaved individuals, the status of the offspring followed that of the father.
C) The only thing that could release a slave from bondage was religious conversion.
D) The words "negro" and "slave" had become interchangeable.
E) There was a distinctive mulatto, or mixed-race, class, which had more rights than full-black people, but less than whites.

On Jul 26, 2024



In what year did the Nat Turner rebellion occur?

A) 1820
B) 1831
C) 1836
D) 1850

On Jun 29, 2024



Which statement is true about the Confederacy?

A) The cornerstone of the Confederacy was the racist belief that whites were racially superior and blacks' natural condition was to be enslaved.
B) The majority of whites in the Confederate states were slaveholders in 1860.
C) The majority of whites in the Confederate states believed in free labor ideology.
D) All whites in the Confederate states had supported secession.
E) Most poor whites in Confederate states believed they would achieve economic independence if slavery were abolished.

On Jun 26, 2024



In the late-nineteenth century,women started demanding the right to vote.In Britain,the scope of the issue was highlighted by

A) women demonstrating in the streets.
B) a woman throwing herself in front of the king's horse.
C) violent actions by women.
D) the number of men who supported women's causes.
E) a petition (signed by more than 250,000 people) calling for reforms.

On May 29, 2024



Isabella Van Wagenen,a strident opponent of both racial and sexual discrimination,is better known as

A) Jarena Lee.
B) Sojourner Truth.
C) Phillis Wheatley.
D) Harriet Tubman.

On May 26, 2024