


A ________ suggests an individualized solution for a potential customer and requests a purchase decision.

A) grant proposal
B) sales proposal
C) solicited proposal
D) project proposal
E) yardstick proposal

On Aug 04, 2024



All companies in today's workplace allow employees to text or instant message on the job.

On Jul 08, 2024



The market rate of return is 12% and the risk-free rate of return is 4%. A stock that has 5% more risk than the market has an actual return of 12%. Given this information, the stock will plot below the security market line.

On Jul 05, 2024



Baby Boomers believe that Millennials __________.

A) are very hard working
B) are too entitled
C) are earning their stripes quickly
D) value structure
E) value professional dress

On Jun 08, 2024



Why should firms incorporate opportunity costs into their calculation of economic costs?

On Jun 05, 2024

All resources have an opportunity cost. This is true for both the resources that a firm purchases from outsiders and the resources that it already owns. The true measure of success is doing as well as you possibly can by making more money in your business than you could pursuing any other business venture. To determine whether you are achieving that goal, you must take into account all of your opportunity costs, which are your implicit costs as well as your explicit costs.


Deadweight losses and administrative burdens are key factors considered when determining the efficiency of the tax system.

On May 09, 2024



Fez is trying to motivate his sales staff. He holds a staff meeting to explain his plan. He realized that in order for the plan to work, he needs to make sure that his team expects that their hard work will result in an increase in sales; he needs to reassure the team that meeting their sales targets will result in their receiving a percentage of their sales; and he hopes that the team will value the opportunity to make more money and see the advantages of working closely as a team. Relate Fez's experience to the three elements of expectancy theory and explain.

On May 06, 2024

Expectancy is the probability that the amount of work effort invested by an individual will result in a high level of performance. When Fez talks to his staff, he made sure that his team expects that their hard work will result in an increase in sales. Instrumentality is the probability that good performance will lead to various work outcomes. Fez also reassured his team that if the sales targets are met then they will receive a percentage of sales. They would get rewarded. Valence is the value individuals place on work outcomes. In order for the plan to work, then the sales team needs to value making more money. Then they will work hard for that end result.