


The "threshold" is the minimum intensity for achieving specific fitness benefits.

On Jun 24, 2024



One strategy to improve adherence is tailoring the regimen; an example is​

A) ​a written contract that both patient and practitioner sign.
B) ​educational lectures detailing consequences of nonadherence.
C) ​using text messages to prompt people to take their medication.
D) ​offering financial assistance to help people pay for medications.

On Jun 20, 2024



1998 research by Lazarou and colleagues estimated how many hospitalized patients had toxic drug reactions annually, relative to how many died from such reactions?​

A) ​Between 14 times and 26 times as many
B) ​Between twice and three times as many
C) ​Between 10 times and 16 times as many
D) ​Between 26 times and 50 times as many

On Jun 17, 2024



Brian has decided to develop a plan for behavior change.He has signed a contract and informed his friends of his plans.This technique for change is an example of

A) consciousness raising.
B) emotional arousal (dramatic relief) .
C) self-reevaluation.
D) commitment (self-liberation) .

On May 28, 2024



Discuss some characteristics, measurement, and forms of cholesterol and their relationship to cardiovascular disease (CVD).​

On May 25, 2024

A. Cholesterol is a fat-like, waxy substance produced by the liver. As a part of the cell membranes, it is essential for human life. However, too much can contribute to CVD.
B. Dietary cholesterol comes from animal food products.
C. Serum cholesterol is the level of cholesterol circulating in the bloodstream.
D. Dietary and serum cholesterol are related, but not perfectly.
E. Serum cholesterol is measured as milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dl) of blood serum.
1. A total cholesterol measure of 200 = 200 mg cholesterol per deciliter of blood serum.
F. CVD is not best predicted by total serum cholesterol.
G. Several forms of lipoproteins make up serum cholesterol.
1. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) transports cholesterol from the liver to body cells.
2. High-density lipoprotein (HDL) transports cholesterol from the tissues to the liver.
3. HDL is found somewhat protective against CVD.
4. LDL is believed to promote atherosclerosis.
5. HDL is sometimes called "good cholesterol" and LDL "bad cholesterol."
6. Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) is another name for triglycerides.
7. Total cholesterol is calculated by adding HDL, LDL, plus 20% of VLDL.
H. A ratio of <4.5:1, i.e. HDL that is c. 20-22% of total cholesterol, lowers CVD risk.
I. A ratio of 6:1 in HDL to total cholesterol is associated with higher risk of CVD.
J. The focus of much research recently has been changing the diet and/or using drugs to lower LDL.
K. Conclusions suggested by cholesterol research:
1. Blood cholesterol and dietary cholesterol are related.
2. Long-term dietary habits are strongly related to the relationship of dietary and blood cholesterol.
a. Dietary change can lower serum cholesterol, but this is typically a slow and difficult process.
3. It is important to lower LDL; however, most experts now agree that the ratio of HDL to total cholesterol is more critical in avoiding CVD than total cholesterol alone is.


Discuss the behavioral contributions to the physiological condition of hypertension and how this physiological condition relates to the development of cardiovascular disease.​

On May 21, 2024

A. Hypertension is the strongest risk factor for CVD.
1. Its cause is not understood, so behavioral contributions cannot be confirmed.
2. It relates to obesity, and weight reduction often lowers blood pressure.
3. Management of hypertension may involve taking medication, restricting sodium intake, reducing weight, becoming physically active, and controlling stress, all of which involve behaviors.
4. Lowering blood pressure into the normal range lowers the risk for heart attack and stroke.


​Before the development of health psychology, how was psychology involved in health?

On May 18, 2024

A. Psychology's involvement in health traces back to the early years of the 20th century.
1. Psychologists were involved in medical education.
2. Despite long involvement, psychologists played a secondary role in medicine, restricted to mental health treatment and consultation.
B. The development of psychosomatic medicine promoted the role of mental factors in physical health.
1. The psychodynamic view holds that personality is a factor in the development of disease.
2. The psychosomatic view began to lose popularity, replaced by behavioral medicine and health psychology.


​A single-food diet (for example, all the hard-boiled eggs you want)

A) ​will not produce weight loss unless the single food is low in calories.
B) ​is nutritionally more balanced than most liquid diets are.
C) ​may produce weight loss via boredom from no variety.
D) ​is usually a high fiber, low-carbohydrate diet.

On May 14, 2024



Which of these techniques measures muscle tension as an index of pain?

A) Electromyography
B) Thermography
C) Blood flow in the temporal artery
D) Heart rate

On May 11, 2024