


List at least three drawbacks of using instant messaging in business.

On May 15, 2024

Potential disadvantages of using IM in business include (1)security problems such as computer viruses,network infiltration,and intercepted messages; (2)the need for user authentication; (3)the challenge of logging messages for later review and archiving; and (4)spim (unsolicited commercial messages,similar to email spam).


Firms now must provide a compensation discussion and analysis in the proxy statement which describes the specific items of corporate performance that are taken into account when making compensation decisions.

On May 15, 2024



Which of the following is false with regard to our legal system?

A) An appeal from the Supreme Court of Canada goes to the Federal Court of Appeal.
B) Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms diminishes the power of both the federal and provincial legislatures.
C) Our constitution can be amended but not by the federal parliament acting alone.
D) If a case were heard before a provincial trial level court, the judge could apply both legal and equitable principles and award both legal and equitable remedies.
E) Although a statute overrides the case law on the same point, subsequent cases may affect the statute by interpreting its meaning.

On May 15, 2024



Manufacturers like Volkswagen often have testing departments that test incoming parts and supplies. The primary reason for these premanufacturing tests is to avoid using faulty materials in the manufacturing process that can cause major problems later. How might Volkswagen also use these results in the business-to-business buying process?

On May 12, 2024

There are a few possible answers-for example, if error rates are too high, product specifications might be revised in the future to require higher quality parts and supplies; however, the best answer is that these results are a vital part of vendor performance assessment.