


A(n) ____ activity is one that happens on a regular interval.

A) impending
B) upcoming
C) repetitious
D) recurring

On Aug 03, 2024



The ________ was the first computer to use magnetic tape instead of punch cards.

On Jul 29, 2024



Void methods must have at least one parameter.

On Jul 03, 2024



By formatting the characters and paragraphs in a document,you can improve its overall appearance.List the formatting suggestions to consider when designing a flyer.

On Jun 29, 2024

•Increase the font size of characters.Flyers usually are posted on a bulletin board or in a window.Thus,the font size should be as large as possible so that passersby easily can read the flyer.To give the headline more impact,its font size should be larger than the font size of the text in the body copy.If possible,make the font size of the signature line larger than the body copy but smaller than the headline.
•Change the font of characters.Use fonts that are easy to read.Try to use only two different fonts in a flyer,for example,one for the headline and the other for all other text.Too many fonts can make the flyer visually confusing.
•Change paragraph alignment.The default alignment for paragraphs in a document is left-aligned,that is,flush at the left margin of the document with uneven right edges.Consider changing the alignment of some of the paragraphs to add interest and variety to the flyer.
•Highlight key paragraphs with bullets.A bulleted paragraph is a paragraph that begins with a dot or other symbol.Use bulleted paragraphs to highlight important points in a flyer.
•Emphasize important words.To call attention to certain words or lines,you can underline them,italicize them,or bold them.Use these formats sparingly,however,because overuse will minimize their effect and make the flyer look too busy.
•Use color.Use colors that complement each other and convey the meaning of the flyer.Vary colors in terms of hue and brightness.Headline colors,for example,can be bold and bright.Signature lines should stand out more than body copy but less than headlines.Keep in mind that too many colors can detract from the flyer and make it difficult to read.


Victor inserted an audio clip on a slide, but it plays for too long.To shorten it, he can crop from the start or end point of the audio.

On Jun 02, 2024



Which of the following describes the purpose of changing the vertical alignment of the page?

A) Changing the vertical alignment of the page specifies how text is positioned relative to the top and bottom of the page.
B) Changing the vertical alignment of the page specifies how text is positioned relative to the left and right of the page.
C) Changing the vertical alignment of the page specifies whether the page has landscape or portrait orientation.
D) Changing the vertical alignment of the page specifies the size of the margins on a page.

On May 30, 2024



Add button functionality to the resulting GUI of number 2 above.When the button is clicked,the title of the window changes to "Modified First Window".

On May 02, 2024

Additional code for button functionality appears below in bold text.
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
public class FirstGui
public static final int WIDTH = 300;
public static final int HEIGHT = 300;
public static void mainString args[])
final JFrame window = new JFrame);
JButton btnClick = new JButton"Click Me");
btnClick.addActionListenernew ActionListener)
public void actionPerformedActionEvent e)
window.setTitle"Modified First Window");
window.setTitle"First Window");
window.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );


When you add a field to a table in Table Design view,entering the field name is optional.

On Apr 29, 2024
