


In his book The American Century, Luce argues that

A) Americans should embrace European hegemony.
B) Americans should stop thinking of themselves as better than the rest.
C) Americans should return to isolationism.
D) Americans should prepare to be the world leaders.
E) Americans should stop intervening in international conflicts.

On Jul 29, 2024



Why were colonial assemblies critical of the Albany Plan of Union?

A) They felt it went against Enlightenment ideas on free trade.
B) They feared repercussions from the French.
C) They wanted to work as individual colonies to establish better relations with the Native Americans.
D) They felt their respective colonial assemblies would lose power.
E) They believed it would slow the influence of the Great Awakening.

On Jul 26, 2024



Which did Southern leaders hope to gain by making the Texas territory part of the United States?

A) Cotton mills could be built along Texas's rivers, decreasing reliance on the North.
B) Southern industrialists would gain access to valuable oil reserves.
C) Forests in northern Texas could help to revive a flagging shipbuilding industry.
D) It would enable a land route to ports on the Pacific Ocean.
E) The territory could potentially be turned into several slave states.

On Jun 28, 2024



How could NLF fighters and the North Vietnamese withstand the technological superiority of U.S. forces?

A) The communist forces chose their battles carefully.
B) North Vietnamese and Vietcong pushed for a quick victory.
C) They mastered ancient warrior techniques unknown in the West.
D) Vietnamese people did not care about pain like Americans did.

On Jun 26, 2024



Why did most Roman Catholic immigrants insist on building their own separate ethnic parishes?

A) They wanted their own priests who spoke their language.
B) Their religious practices were rarely compatible with those of other Roman Catholics.
C) They wanted to avoid excessive control and oversight by the Pope.
D) They used parishes to hide their wealth from taxation.

On Jun 22, 2024



English and Dutch merchants created a well-organized system for "redemptioners." What was this system for?

A) for New Englanders to trade molasses for rum with the West Indies
B) for bringing Protestant refugees to North America for a hefty fee
C) for carrying indentured German families to America, where they would work off their transportation debt
D) for unloading the unwanted convicts of London and Amsterdam to ports such as Boston and New York
E) for pirating against Spain and France, their Catholic archenemies

On May 26, 2024



What historical evidence demonstrates that blacks were being held as slaves for life by the 1640s?

A) Property registers list white servants with the number of years they were to work, but blacks (with higher valuations) had no terms of service associated with their names.
B) Transcripts from legislative debates in the House of Burgesses show that Virginia lawmakers were debating whether permanent slave status was a good idea.
C) Records of declining tobacco prices show that it had become harder to keep labor, which would have forced planters to turn increasingly to Africans and away from white servants.
D) There is none, because slavery did not fully exist in Virginia until after Bacon's Rebellion in 1676.
E) Advertisements for slaves began appearing in newspapers regularly by 1642.

On May 23, 2024



In the new American republic, which state allowed town elementary schools to be open to girls as well as boys?

A) Vermont
B) Massachusetts
C) Virginia
D) Maryland

On May 21, 2024



The immigrant group that was primarily Presbyterian was

A) Irish.
B) Scots-Irish.
C) Swedish.
D) English.
E) German.

On May 20, 2024



In comparison to the immigration law of 1924, the Hart-Celler Act closed U.S. borders to immigrants.

On May 19, 2024
