


Firms that have several plants that produce the same or related products are said to be:

A) horizontally integrated.
B) vertically integrated.
C) conglomerates.
D) cooperatives.

On Jul 15, 2024



In 1985, the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen was $1 = 262 yen; in 2003, the rate was $1 = 110 yen. Between 1985 and 2003, the

A) dollar appreciated in value relative to the yen.
B) yen appreciated in value relative to the dollar.
C) dollar price of yen fell.
D) yen price of dollars rose.

On Jul 11, 2024



How would you assist a member of a residential group who started acting out when she learned that she will be leaving the facility after a one-and-a-half year stay for foster placement? What effects might her acting out behavior have on other members of the residence? How would you help the residents deal with these effects?

On Jun 15, 2024

As a staff member of the residential group, I would first approach the member with empathy and understanding. I would acknowledge her feelings of fear, sadness, and uncertainty about leaving the facility after such a long stay. I would assure her that her feelings are valid and that it's okay to feel upset about the upcoming transition.

I would then work with the member to develop coping strategies to help her manage her emotions and behavior during this challenging time. This might include providing her with additional support from staff, offering counseling services, or connecting her with resources in the community to help her adjust to the foster placement.

The acting out behavior of the member could have a negative impact on the other residents of the facility. It might create a sense of unease or tension within the group, and it could disrupt the overall harmony and stability of the residence. Other members might feel anxious or unsettled by the sudden change in the member's behavior, and they might struggle to understand or cope with the situation.

To help the residents deal with these effects, I would facilitate open and honest communication within the group. I would encourage the members to express their feelings and concerns about the situation, and I would provide them with information and support to help them understand and process what is happening. I would also implement additional group activities or therapy sessions to help the residents bond and support each other during this challenging time.

Overall, my goal would be to create a supportive and understanding environment for all the residents, while also providing individualized care and assistance to the member who is struggling with the upcoming transition. By addressing the emotional and behavioral needs of the member and the group as a whole, I would strive to minimize the negative impact of the situation and promote a sense of unity and resilience within the residential group.


In evaluating material you have gathered for a report,you should

A) assume those who've written the material are credible.
B) shun information with any hint of bias because such information is inherently unethical.
C) check to make sure you're using the most current information available.
D) avoid using government documents.
E) use only information that supports your intended recommendation.

On Jun 11, 2024



Which of the following does NOT accurately characterise the conduct of international business?

A) Global sourcing, exporting/importing and licensing/franchising are market entry strategies for conducting international business.
B) When a business is just getting started internationally, direct investment strategies are the usual way to begin.
C) Market entry strategies involve the sale of goods or services to foreign markets but do not require major capital investments.
D) Direct investment strategies require major capital commitments but create rights of ownership and control over foreign operations.
E) Joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries are direct investment strategies for conducting international business.

On May 16, 2024



In the norming stage of team development, holding the team together may become more important to some members than working on the team's tasks.

On May 12, 2024
