


Transformational leadership may be found at all levels of the organization: teams,departments,divisions,and the organization as a whole.

On Jul 28, 2024



Describe the legislative process for enacting a new tax law.

On Jul 26, 2024

Typically,federal tax legislation is introduced in the House of Representatives Ways and Means Committee (although bills can be introduced in the Senate Finance Committee).The House bill is then voted on by the House of Representatives.Then the Senate Finance Committee generates its own bill which is voted on by the U.S.Senate.The Joint Conference Committee resolves differences between the House and Senate versions (if differences exist).The common Joint Conference Bill is voted on by the House of Representatives and the U.S.Senate.If the Joint Conference Bill passes the House and Senate it is signed or vetoed by the President of the United States.If signed,the legislation is incorporated into the Internal Revenue Code.


Which of the following is NOT considered to be an equitable remedy?

A) Specific performance.
B) Injunction.
C) Reformation.
D) Money damages.

On Jun 28, 2024



To qualify as a negotiable instrument,an instrument in the form of a note must be signed by the:

A) payee.
B) drawee.
C) assignee.
D) maker.

On Jun 26, 2024



In a brief essay,contrast the media relations strategies that were implemented by the two final candidates in the 2016 presidential election--Donald J.Trump and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.What are the benefits or drawbacks of each strategy?

On May 28, 2024

The Trump campaign focused on generating media coverage and reposting it instead of creating its own materials for the campaign as the Clinton campaign chose to do.The Clinton campaign relied heavily on the owned content it produced and posted on the campaign website.This material,such as studies,position papers,or features on voters and how the candidate plans to respond to their issues,was prepared by the campaign staff,posted on the campaign website and pushed out via social media to supporters and prospective voters.Clinton did not rely solely on media coverage to get her message out.According to Pew,80% of the material posted on the Clinton site was content produced by campaign staffers or freelancers working for the campaign.In contrast,78% of the content on the Trump campaign website was reposting of "earned" media articles and interviews generated by the candidate and / or his campaign staff.There was very little owned content (self-generated)on the site,Pew found,almost the opposite of the material on the Clinton campaign site.


Ashton wished to raise additional capital for his business and arranged with Banyon for a $10,000 mortgage on his estate, Blackacre. Ashton did not disclose the fact that he had previously borrowed $10,000 from Clayton by way of a mortgage, and Clayton had not registered his mortgage against the title of Blackacre. Shortly after the mortgage to Banyon was registered, Ashton conveyed the estate to Dayton, for $25,000. Dayton was unaware of the mortgages to Banyon and Clayton and did not examine the title to Blackacre when he registered his deed. Consider the title to Dayton's property, and Dayton's legal position with respect to Clayton and Banyon. Clayton's unregistered mortgage would take priority over Banyon's registered mortgage, because it was signed and given by Ashton first.

On May 27, 2024
