


In the barrel model of culture, subsistence is considered part of the level called _______________.​

On Jul 23, 2024



Globalization lays the foundation for worldwide experiences, such as the recent economic downturn that faces most world societies today. How might culture and cultural adaptation function to ameliorate some of the effects among subcultural groups?​

On Jul 05, 2024

Culture and cultural adaptation can function to ameliorate some of the effects of the recent economic downturn among subcultural groups in several ways. Firstly, cultural values and traditions can provide a sense of community and support during difficult times, helping subcultural groups to come together and support each other through economic hardships. Additionally, cultural adaptation can lead to the development of innovative solutions and strategies for coping with economic challenges, drawing on the unique strengths and resources of a particular culture. This can include traditional practices for sustainable living, communal sharing of resources, or the preservation of cultural crafts and skills that can provide alternative sources of income. Furthermore, cultural adaptation can also foster resilience and a sense of identity and pride within subcultural groups, helping them to maintain a sense of purpose and hope during tough economic times. Overall, culture and cultural adaptation can play a crucial role in mitigating the effects of economic downturns among subcultural groups, providing them with the tools and support they need to navigate and overcome these challenges.


A hearth would best be classified by an archaeologist as a(n) :​

A) ​site
B) ​ecofact
C) ​feature
D) ​fossil

On Jul 02, 2024



Which of the following statements about primate populations is correct?​

A) ​All New and Old World monkeys are endangered today.
B) ​All New World monkeys and apes are endangered today.
C) ​All of the great apes are endangered today.
D) ​All primates everywhere are endangered today.

On Jun 05, 2024



In carrying out assessment of an Asian American client, it is important to determine where he/she stands on the continuum of acculturation. What are the four modes of acculturation on this continuum and how can this information be used most effectively?

On Jun 02, 2024

The four modes of acculturation on the continuum are assimilation, integration, separation, and marginalization.

Assimilation refers to the process of adopting the cultural norms and values of the dominant society while relinquishing one's own cultural identity. Integration involves maintaining one's cultural identity while also adopting aspects of the dominant culture. Separation involves maintaining one's cultural identity and rejecting the norms and values of the dominant society. Marginalization occurs when an individual feels disconnected from both their own culture and the dominant culture.

Understanding where an Asian American client stands on this continuum can be crucial in providing effective assessment and treatment. It can help mental health professionals understand the client's level of cultural identity and how it may impact their mental health and well-being. For example, a client who is assimilated may experience internal conflict and feelings of alienation from their own cultural identity, while a client who is marginalized may experience feelings of isolation and disconnection from both cultures.

By understanding the client's mode of acculturation, mental health professionals can tailor their approach to therapy and treatment to best meet the client's needs. This may involve incorporating aspects of the client's cultural identity into therapy, addressing any conflicts related to acculturation, and providing support and resources to help the client navigate their cultural identity in a way that promotes mental health and well-being. Overall, understanding the client's mode of acculturation can help mental health professionals provide more culturally sensitive and effective care.


​Members of the genus Homo have primarily adapted through culture over the past:

A) ​50,000 years
B) ​1.5 million years
C) ​2.5 million years
D) ​7.7 million years

On Jun 01, 2024



What did the teaching of American Sign Language to some captive apes produce such controversy?​

On May 06, 2024

It was controversial in part because it challenged the notion of human uniqueness and also because it was not a natural communication system for nonhuman primates.​


The type of crops that are highly productive but also very unstable are _______________.​

On May 04, 2024



What caused the ancient site of Ani to fall into disrepair and be closed off to archaeologists from 1921 to 2002?​

A) ​New national borders drawn between Turkey and Armenia by the Soviet Union left the site divided by two different countries.
B) ​Massive earthquakes and landslides caused the instability of the area for several decades.
C) ​The Soviet Union and Britain divided Ani between them and would not allow archaeologists to work in either part.
D) ​The city of Ani was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1921 and no one was allowed to excavate until the rightful owners were found.

On May 03, 2024



Discuss the reasons why Asians have been more accepted in the United States than other ethnic minorities.

On May 01, 2024

There are several reasons why Asians have been more accepted in the United States than other ethnic minorities. One reason is the model minority stereotype, which portrays Asians as hardworking, successful, and law-abiding citizens. This stereotype has led to the perception that Asians are less likely to engage in criminal behavior or rely on government assistance, making them more accepted by mainstream society.

Additionally, Asians have often been perceived as less threatening or disruptive compared to other ethnic minorities. This perception has allowed Asians to assimilate more easily into American society and be seen as less of a threat to the existing social order.

Furthermore, the history of Asian immigration to the United States has been different from that of other ethnic minorities. Many Asian immigrants came to the United States voluntarily, often seeking better economic opportunities or education. This has led to the perception that Asians are more willing to assimilate and contribute to American society.

It is important to note that while Asians may have been more accepted in some ways, they have also faced discrimination and prejudice, particularly during periods of anti-Asian sentiment such as the Chinese Exclusion Act and Japanese internment during World War II. Overall, the acceptance of Asians in the United States is complex and influenced by a variety of factors.