


When groupthink is occurring, members tend to re-examine selected courses of action when they learn of risks, drawbacks, and unintended consequences which they had not previously considered.

On Jul 10, 2024



_____ refers to the creation of institutions that support the welfare of individuals and groups.​

A) ​Social justice
B) Economic justice​
C) ​Distributive justice
D) ​Procedural justice

On Jul 08, 2024



Explain the rationale for contracts.​

On Jul 06, 2024

Answers may vary. Contracting is the final discrete activity of Phase I of the helping process; it identifies the work to be accomplished through the change-oriented strategies by which goals will be attained. Key ingredients summarize the purpose and focus of your work with clients as well as ensure mutual accountability. In some practice settings, the contract or agreement clarifies the role of the client and social worker as well as establishes the conditions under which assistance is provided.
Developing a contract or service agreement with clients may require an explanation of the purpose and rationale for the contract. Explanations may be particularly important for clients who are hesitant to sign a document without fully understanding its purpose. Involuntary clients may be suspicious or distrustful, perceiving the contract as further infringing on their freedom or that they are committing to a change with which they disagree. For minors, the concept of a contract may be a totally alien one regardless of their age and developmental stage. For this reason, you might frame the explanation as an agreement that describes expectations. In settings in which a minor's choice of whether to work with you is limited, specifying the required change and your role in supporting the minor to achieve goals, as well as clarifying rewards and benefits, can be especially important.


Which of the following statements is true of informed consent?​

A) Once clients give consent, they surrender the right to revoke it later.​
B) ​Professionals should not inform clients of limits to services they can provide.
C) ​Clients should be informed when services are provided by a social work student.
D) ​Informed consent should not be an active part of the helping process.

On Jun 08, 2024



There are currently roughly over ______ people aged 65 and older in the United States.

A) 10 Million
B) 22 Million
C) 45 Million
D) 100 Million

On Jun 05, 2024



The obligation to assume the role of _____ has been reaffirmed most recently in the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Code of Ethics, which includes support for the activities performed by social workers in pursuit of the professional mission (NASW, 2008a) .​

A) ​planner
B) ​procedure developer
C) ​client advocate
D) ​consultant

On Jun 01, 2024



Which of the following stages of group development is characterized by attempts to resolve conflicts and achieve consensus?​

A) ​The intimacy stage
B) ​The differentiation stage
C) ​The power and control stage
D) ​The separation stage

On May 31, 2024



When conflicts arise in groups that do not have measurable and operational goals, there is no logical way to determine whose view has higher payoffs. As a result, the conflict is not likely to be resolved.

On May 29, 2024



RBT counseling includes _______________,which are a developed hierarchy to structure treatment,and assessment for _______________,which are necessary for the client to achieve primary goals.

A) primary behavioral targets; secondary behavioral targets
B) polarities; mental health issues
C) schemas; faulty cognitions
D) client agreements; self-harming behaviors

On May 28, 2024