


Describe the relationship between Japanese and U.S. labor relations. What are the important features of the Japanese labor relations system and how does the system differ from that of the U.S.?

On May 02, 2024

During the U.S. occupation of Japan following World War II, occupation authorities established Japanese labor law, using key features of the Wagner Act. In particular, the Japanese law establishes unfair labor practices and protects workers' rights to organize and bargaining collective. There are, however, some key differences. The Japanese system is organized around the concept of the enterprise union, or unions that represent workers at a single company only. As such, there are nearly 70,000 worker unions in Japan. Exclusive representation is not, however, a requirement and some companies have multiple unions. In sharp contrast to the U.S. system, labor unions and management have much closer ties, with union leaders sometimes moving into management ranks. Enterprise unionism is reinforced by strong ties between Japanese workers and the companies they work at, often for a lifetime. This system of lifetime employment encourages a more collectivist mentality and relationships between workers and management in Japan are generally much more cooperative than observed in the U.S. Employers are more likely to share information with employees and a number of companies have joint labor-management consultation.


Historically the labor movement in Great Britain has been closely tied to:

A) The Labour Party
B) Employer interests
C) The U.S. Labor movement
D) The French Labor movement

On May 02, 2024



Which of the following best describes German consultation rights?

A) German companies must consult with the employees before making any changes in the nature of their work.
B) German companies must consult with their employer association before bargaining with employees.
C) German companies must consult with the government before making any changes that could affect the economy.
D) Employees have the right to consult their elected government officials about changes to the nature of their work.

On May 02, 2024



Government-controlled unions in Mexico are referred to as _______________________________ unions.

On May 02, 2024



Which of the following types of labor relations systems generally are not found in Asian developing countries?

A) High-level-tripartite or corporatist model
B) Pluralist model of political representation and collective bargaining
C) Government-control models
D) Worker cooperatives

On May 02, 2024



Four of the five answers listed below are members of a common group. Select the exception.

A) sea star
B) sea anemone
C) sea urchin
D) brittle star
E) sea cucumber

On May 01, 2024



The amplification of recombinant plasmids occurs by:

A) the growth of the plasmid DNA
B) DNA replication of plasmids outside a host cell
C) the process of growth and division of the host cell
D) transformation of bacterial cells
E) the polymerase chain reaction

On Apr 29, 2024



In the human female, estrogen and progesterone exert feedback control over the

A) anterior pituitary.
B) ovary.
C) uterus.
D) testes.
E) pineal gland.

On Apr 28, 2024