


When the relationship is more important than the goal,the accommodating strategy of conflict resolution is the most effective.

On Jul 24, 2024



Facilitators can use ____,when the team has too narrow a focus and they want to gently guide them into another direction.

A) justifying questions
B) leading questions
C) hypothetical questions
D) reality check

On Jul 14, 2024



In terms of sending messages,individuals who are kinesthetic:

A) need to have hands-on use or personal practice to learn.
B) need to read it or see it on paper.
C) have to hear it to learn it.
D) have to get full background info before processing what others are saying.

On Jun 21, 2024



As a new college graduate,Peter needs to develop contacts to ensure that his goal of having his own consulting company becomes a reality in the future.Which of the following would be helpful to Peter in developing and/or maintaining his network?

A) He must realize that reciprocity is the only important principle for building a successful network.
B) He must avoid analyzing every situation for possibilities.
C) He must keep his ambitions and goals under wraps.
D) He must nurture relationships with individuals in the profession.

On Jun 15, 2024



Discuss an ethical decision you made or an ethical dilemma you are currently facing.Discuss the concerns of the potential stakeholders,how they may be impacted by your decision and use the four components of the ethical test to evaluate your decision.

On Jun 12, 2024

Answers will vary.Classify the dilemma (examples:exchange of inappropriate gifts,making unwanted sexual advances,discovery of unauthorized payments or overpayments,and hiring an untrained person from a "name" family over a more qualified individual)list the potential stakeholders (employees,customers,suppliers,and shareholders)that may be impacted by the decision,and address the four components of the ethical test (test of common sense,test of one's best self,test of making something public,and the test of the purified idea).


Discuss perception checking and why might it be helpful.Then,provide an appropriate perception check for the following situation: You walk into the Student Union to meet your roommate for lunch.When you sit down at the table,your roommate turns away from you,averts her eyes,says she isn't hungry,and gives only brief replies to your comments.

On May 15, 2024

-Perception checking is asking someone whether your interpretation of his or her nonverbal behavior is accurate.
-You do not need to go through life constantly checking everyone's nonverbal cues.Overusing this skill would irritate most people.However,if you are uncertain about how someone feels and it is important to know,a perception check may be in order.Asking about a specific nonverbal cue will help you interpret your communication partner's behavior in future interactions as well.
-In this scenario,a perception check needs to focus on your interpretation of your roommate's emotional state.
-A sample perception check would be,"I'm gathering by your body language,the fact that you won't even look at me,and your lack of responsiveness that you're upset.You look angry.What's up?"
-Student examples will vary.


Describe the five sometimes overlapping stages of childhood friendships.

On May 13, 2024

(Note: The question could be reduced to two of the friendship types if desired. )
1.Momentary Playmates Stage (ages 3-7): We interact with those who are nearest,most accessible.
2.One-Way Assistance Stage (ages 4-9): We still view friendships from a "take" perspective,as instruments to help meet our needs,rather than from a "give" or "give-and-take" perspective.
3.Fair-Weather Friend Stage (ages 6-12): Friendships are characterized by more give-and-take,more cooperation.The relationship is likely to end if problems and conflicts develop.
4.Mutual Intimacy Stage (ages 9-15): We develop close friendships,but become possessive of these friendships and experience jealousy.
5.Independence Stage (ages 12-adulthood): While our interdependence leads to increased intimacy and sharing,we also tolerate friends making friends with others (independence).


__________ refers to the intention to remain in a relationship.

A) Commitment
B) Passion
C) Intimacy
D) Affection

On May 12, 2024



Name,describe,and give an example of each of the three types of interpersonal conflict.Then,provide strategies for avoiding each type.

On May 10, 2024

-Pseudo means false.Pseudoconflict occurs when people simply miss the meaning in a message.It's conflict triggered by a lack of understanding and miscommunication.Unless the people clear up the misunderstanding by looking for more information,a real conflict might ensue.
-For example,Misha and Carolyn are meeting friends in the city on Friday night,and Carolyn suggests taking the train so they won't have to battle traffic and pay a lot of money to park their car.Misha strongly objects to taking the train because by the time the two are going back home,the trains will be infrequent,and they may have to wait alone for a long time late at night.
-Carolyn replied,"I never intended to go home on the train.My friend George who will be there on Saturday offered to give us a ride home.Misha countered,"Why didn't you say so in the first place?" "It never occurred to me that you'd think we would take the train home late at night," said Carolyn.
-To avoid these misunderstandings: check perceptions,listen between the lines,and be supportive,not defensive.
2.Simple conflict
-Simple conflict exists when people understand each other but disagree.What each wants interferes with achieving what the other wants.
-For example,David and Robert both want to play Nintendo.David wants to play "007 Golden Eye" and Robert wants to play "Turok." Neither can play the game he wants at the same time as the other.To keep the conflict from escalating into personal attacks,try these strategies:
-Clarify your and your partner's understanding of the issues and your partner's understanding of the source of the disagreement.
-Keep the discussion focused on facts and the issue at hand,rather than bringing up past disagreements.
-Look for more than just the initial solutions;generate many options.
-Don't try to tackle too many issues at once.
-Find agreement where you can.
-If tempers begin to flare and conflict is escalating,take time to cool off and then come back.
3.Ego conflict
-Ego conflict occurs when personality becomes the primary issue rather than the goals and resources that seemed to start the conflict.
-When David and Robert fight over the use of the Nintendo,David says "you aren't a good gamer anyway and don't deserve to play first." Robert replies,"you are self-absorbed and cheap,and that's why you can't get a girlfriend!"
-To deescalate an ego conflict:
-Stay focused on issues.
-Make the issue a problem to be solved,rather than a battle to be won.
-Write down what you want to say.
-When things get personal,make a vow not to reciprocate.


When we are __________,our brains are storing important information for us to access later.

A) attending
B) remembering
C) understanding
D) responding

On May 09, 2024