


Which of the following would not be included in operating assets in return on investment calculations?

A) Cash.
B) Accounts Receivable.
C) Equipment
D) Factory building rented to (and occupied by) another company.

On Jul 29, 2024



Vivian is declining the job offer from System Inc.; she considers the interviewer's questions regarding her country of origin and subsequent remarks about her culture, derogatory and discriminatory. The interviewer meant to conduct a stress interview on Vivian and wanted to observe how she handles these queries.
Was the interviewer right in his approach? If Vivian is declining the offer, should she still use the negative messages approach?

On Jul 27, 2024

The interviewer is wrong in his approach. He could have asked her questions regarding difficult work scenarios to observe her reaction, but he cannot ask her questions about her country of origin or make derogatory remarks about her culture. This is banned by federal law and she can file a complaint regarding this with the EEOC.
Even though the interviewer was rude to her, she should still follow the negative messages approach: open warmly, state the reasons for refusing the offer, bring to the attention of the organization that their interviewers need to be culture sensitized and be aware of interviewing etiquette, decline the offer explicitly, and close on a pleasant note that expresses gratitude.


An interpretive frame may lead to unethical behaviour because?

A) Brand managers choose information that supports their view
B) The frame decides which information is relevant or not
C) The frame leads managers to ignore critical information
D) All of these

On Jun 29, 2024



Variable costing is the only acceptable basis for both external reporting and tax reporting.

On Jun 27, 2024



The U.S. income tax system is completely indexed for inflation.

On May 30, 2024



The Clayton Act of 1914

A) outlawed price discrimination, tying contracts, acquisition of stocks of competing corporations, and interlocking directorates that lessen competition.
B) prohibited unfair or deceptive acts or practices in commerce that tend to reduce competition.
C) outlawed vertical and conglomerate mergers.
D) prohibited one firm from acquiring the assets of another when the effect was to limit competition.

On May 28, 2024