


The worldwide interdependence of resource supplies, product markets, and business competition characterizes the age of ___.

A) Trans-Asian management
B) the European Union
C) free trade
D) a global economy
E) the multinational economy

On Jul 22, 2024



Explain the four principles of effective design.

On Jul 19, 2024

Consistency: Throughout each message,be consistent in your use of margins,typeface,type size,spacing,color,lines,and position.In most cases,you will want to be consistent from message to message as well; that way,audiences who receive multiple messages from you recognize your documents and know what to expect.
Balance: Balance is an important but sometimes subjective design issue.One document may have a formal,rigid design in which the various elements are placed in a grid pattern,whereas another may have a less formal design in which elements flow more freely across the page-and both could be in balance.Like the tone of your language,visual balance can be too formal,just right,or too informal for a given message.
Restraint: Strive for simplicity.Don't clutter your message with too many design elements,too many colors,or too many decorative touches.
Detail: Pay attention to details that affect your design and thus your message.For instance,extremely wide columns of text can be difficult to read; in many cases a better solution is to split the text into two narrower columns.


The recommendations you make in a report should

A) interpret the results of your research.
B) not be limited by the report's conclusion.
C) tell audience members what they want to hear.
D) adequately describe the steps that come next.
E) identify areas of research that support your opinion.

On Jun 22, 2024



If we assume that labor is the only variable input, the slope of the short-run ________ curve measures the marginal product of labor.

A) average product
B) marginal product
C) total product
D) total cost

On Jun 19, 2024



In the hostile work environment form of sexual harassment,a coworker or supervisor,engaging in unwelcome and inappropriate sexually based behavior

A) requests a date from an employee as a condition of getting a raise
B) renders the workplace atmosphere intimidating
C) says the employee will not receive a bonus until she gives him a kiss
D) asks an employee for sex in return for a promotion

On May 23, 2024



The minimum points of the average variable cost and average total cost curves occur where the

A) marginal cost curve lies below the average variable cost and average total cost curves.
B) marginal cost curve intersects those curves.
C) average variable cost and average total cost curves intersect.
D) slope of total cost is the smallest.

On May 20, 2024