


According to the authors of this text, the civil rights and civil liberties that we now enjoy

A) were guaranteed by the signing of the Constitution.
B) took effect once the Bill of Rights was ratified.
C) are the product of a long struggle that continues today.
D) essentially can be traced to precedents set by the Burger Court.

On Jul 01, 2024



What was the purpose of the court-packing plan?

On Jun 27, 2024

Students' answers may vary.
This was an unsuccessful attempt by President Franklin Roosevelt in 1937 to change the direction of the Supreme Court, by giving the president the power to name one new justice to the Court for each current justice over the age of seventy.


Lobbying is

A) an attempt by an individual or group to influence the passage of legislation by exerting indirect pressure,through advertisements and media coverage,on members of Congress or a state legislature.
B) an attempt by an individual or group to influence the passage of legislation by exerting direct pressure on members of Congress or a state legislature.
C) an attempt by an individual or group to influence the passage of legislation by exerting indirect pressure,through phone calls or emails,on members of Congress or a state legislature.
D) the act of working on a reelection campaign.

On May 31, 2024



Libertarianism is a political ideology that

A) argues that governments are inherently repressive and should be abolished entirely.
B) argues that a single ruler should have total control over every aspect of people's lives.
C) argues for the need to place strict limitations on voting rights and civil liberties.
D) emphasizes freedom and voluntary association with small government.

On May 28, 2024



The primary goal of interest groups is to

A) educate citizens about major political issues.
B) eliminate corruption and waste in government.
C) provide campaign funds for presidential candidates.
D) influence public policy.

On May 01, 2024



When racial segregation in schools is the result of housing choices made by individuals and
Families rather than the result of law,it is referred to as

A) de facto.
B) de jure.
C) organic.
D) libertarian.

On Apr 28, 2024