


What is the difference between resistance and reactance?

On Jun 09, 2024

Resistance is a physical property of every electrical conductor, which restricts or opposes the flow of electrical current.It can be read with an ohmmeter and when current flows through resistance, heat is dissipated and there is a power loss.Reactance is an opposition to current flow in an electrical circuit that prevents the current's flow in the first place.It cannot be measured with an ohmmeter and needs to be calculated.There are no power losses or head loss because it prevents current from happening.


A writer is developing a questionnaire asking users about their experiences with a company's website. Which of the following questions is NOT flawed?

A) I was able to easily find answers to my questions.
Disagree _____ Neutral ____ Agree _____
B) Should we make this site better?
Yes ___ No ___
C) List the top three reasons you visit this site:
D) The flawed graphics made it hard for me to order parts using this site.
Yes __ No __

On May 19, 2024



Murphy is learning how to obtain his teacher's attention. He can either raise his hand, write her a note, yell out, or walk up to her desk. What are all the behaviors that result in Murphy obtaining his teacher's attention called?

A) generalization
B) response class
C) positive reinforcement
D) response extinction
E) internal validity

On May 14, 2024



Explain an outcome under the classification of behavioral intent

On May 12, 2024

An outcome under the classification of behavioral intent refers to the result or consequence of a person's deliberate actions or decisions. This classification focuses on understanding the motivations and intentions behind a person's behavior and how it influences the outcome. For example, if someone intentionally acts in a helpful and supportive manner towards a colleague, the outcome of their behavior may result in improved teamwork, trust, and collaboration within the workplace. On the other hand, if someone acts with the intent to deceive or manipulate others, the outcome of their behavior may lead to distrust, conflict, and negative consequences. Understanding behavioral intent allows us to analyze the impact of actions and make informed decisions about how to respond or address certain behaviors.


Time-series designs are a class of quasi-experimental designs in which comparisons are made between participants in nonrandomly formed groups.

On May 11, 2024



The principle of electro-magnetism states that electrical current flows through an electrical ____, a magnetic field will be created.

A) insulator
B) conductor
C) line of flux
D) electron

On May 10, 2024



Describe each level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.Provide at least 3 strategies you learned from the chapter to achieve the level of Self-Actualization.If you feel you are already at the level of Self-Actualization, discuss 3 strategies from the chapter you use to maintain this higher order position in your life.

On May 09, 2024

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory that describes the different levels of human needs, with the most basic needs at the bottom and the highest level of needs at the top. The levels are as follows:

1. Physiological Needs: These are the most basic needs for survival, such as food, water, shelter, and sleep.

2. Safety Needs: Once physiological needs are met, individuals seek safety and security, including physical safety, financial security, and stability.

3. Love and Belonging: After safety needs are met, people seek love, affection, and a sense of belonging from relationships with family, friends, and community.

4. Esteem: Once the lower needs are satisfied, individuals strive for self-esteem, respect from others, and a sense of accomplishment.

5. Self-Actualization: This is the highest level of Maslow's Hierarchy, where individuals seek personal growth, fulfillment, and reaching their full potential.

To achieve the level of Self-Actualization, three strategies from the chapter include:

1. Self-reflection and introspection: Taking time to reflect on one's values, goals, and personal growth can help individuals understand themselves better and work towards self-actualization.

2. Pursuing passions and interests: Engaging in activities and hobbies that bring joy and fulfillment can contribute to self-actualization by allowing individuals to express their true selves and develop their talents.

3. Seeking personal growth opportunities: Actively seeking out opportunities for learning, personal development, and self-improvement can help individuals progress towards self-actualization.

If you feel you are already at the level of Self-Actualization, three strategies from the chapter that can be used to maintain this higher order position in your life include:

1. Continued self-improvement: Even at the level of self-actualization, there is always room for personal growth and development. Continuing to seek out opportunities for learning and self-improvement can help maintain this higher order position.

2. Embracing challenges and new experiences: Embracing challenges and seeking out new experiences can help individuals continue to grow and evolve, even at the level of self-actualization.

3. Cultivating meaningful relationships: Maintaining and nurturing meaningful relationships with others can contribute to a sense of fulfillment and connection, which is important for maintaining self-actualization.