


The return on investment can ordinarily be improved by either increasing sales, reducing expenses, or reducing operating assets, assuming each of the other factors remain unchanged.

On Jul 29, 2024



Landon, an HR manager, heard from other managers that there was talk of a union organizing effort at his company. Landon saw no signs of a union at work, so he downplayed the rumors. Therefore, he was caught by surprise when the union presented authorization cards and a request for a representation election. Which statement best explains the flaw in Landon's reasoning about the organizing effort?

A) For the organizing process to continue, at least 30 percent of the employees must sign an authorization card.
B) In an election, workers may have a choice from among more than one union.
C) In most organizing efforts, there is a hotly contested election campaign.
D) Unions usually launch an organizing campaign by discussing issues with employees at home.
E) Regulations forbid unions from using online databases to identify issues of interest to particular workers.

On Jul 06, 2024



Traditionally,the common law has allowed plaintiffs to recover for libel without proof of ________.

A) punitive damages
B) criminal damages
C) liquidated damages
D) actual damages

On Jun 29, 2024



Why doesn't the marginal worker hired earn economic rent in a competitive labor market?

A) His reservation wage is less than the wage.
B) His reservation wage is greater than the wage.
C) His reservation wage is equal to the wage.
D) He is paid a wage that is lower than the others.

On Jun 04, 2024



How much did Kris pay in dividends to shareholders in Year 2?

A) $30,000
B) $120,000
C) $150,000
D) $330,000

On May 30, 2024



If the marginal social benefit received from a good is equal to the marginal social cost of production:

A) an increase in production will improve society's well-being.
B) a decrease in production will improve society's well-being.
C) no change in production can improve society's well-being.
D) the market is producing too much of the good.

On May 03, 2024



Which statements are true regarding Ashley's claim against Bob for damages involving the laptop and her claim that Bob maliciously had her arrested?

A) The claim for damages involving the laptop and also the claim that Bob maliciously had her arrested are civil claims involving private law.
B) The claim for damages involving the laptop is a civil claim involving private law, but the claim that Bob maliciously had her arrested is a civil claim involving public law.
C) The claim for damages involving the laptop is a civil claim involving private law, but the claim that Bob maliciously had her arrested is a criminal claim involving public law.
D) The claim for damages involving the laptop is a civil claim involving private law, but the claim that Bob maliciously had her arrested is a criminal claim involving private law.
E) The claim for damages involving the laptop and also the claim that Bob maliciously had her arrested are criminal claims involving private law.

On Apr 30, 2024



The unit product cost under variable costing was:

A) $115 per unit
B) $123 per unit
C) $118 per unit
D) $170 per unit

On Apr 26, 2024