


In Freudian theory,a little boy who develops sexual feelings toward his mother and becomes jealous of his father is experiencing:

A) the Electra complex.
B) penis envy.
C) the Oedipus complex.
D) identification.

On Jul 27, 2024



In recent formulations of attachment theory, researchers have suggested that there is/are ____ dimension(s) to attachment and thus ____ different attachment styles.

A) just 1; just 1
B) 2; 4
C) 3; 9
D) 4; 16

On Jul 21, 2024



When using the Binet-Simon scale, what is meant by mental age?

A) How old the child is physically
B) The intellectual level at which the child is functioning
C) How old the child will be before he/she reaches average intelligence
D) The age at which IQ can be tested

On Jul 14, 2024



Steve's penis is becoming even more erect and has secreted a few drops of fluid after beginning to have sex. He is likely to be in the __________ stage of the sexual response cycle according to Masters and Johnson.

A) resolution
B) plateau
C) orgasm
D) excitement

On Jun 27, 2024



One form of research data collection is through interviews and questionnaires.What are the pros and cons of each approach?

On Jun 14, 2024

Interviews and questionnaires are both valuable methods of collecting research data, but they each have their own set of pros and cons.

1. In-depth information: Interviews allow for a deeper exploration of the topic as the interviewer can ask follow-up questions and probe for more detailed responses.
2. Personal connection: Interviews can help build a personal connection with the participant, leading to more honest and open responses.
3. Flexibility: The interviewer can adapt the questions based on the participant's responses, allowing for a more flexible and dynamic data collection process.

1. Time-consuming: Conducting interviews can be time-consuming, especially if a large number of participants are involved.
2. Bias: The interviewer's presence and personal biases can influence the participant's responses, leading to potential bias in the data collected.
3. Cost: Interviews can be costly, especially if travel or other expenses are involved in reaching the participants.

1. Cost-effective: Questionnaires can be distributed to a large number of participants at a relatively low cost.
2. Anonymity: Participants may feel more comfortable providing honest responses as they can remain anonymous.
3. Standardization: Questionnaires provide standardized questions and responses, making it easier to analyze and compare data.

1. Superficial responses: Participants may provide superficial or incomplete responses as there is no opportunity for follow-up questions.
2. Lack of personal connection: Without a personal connection, participants may be less motivated to provide detailed or honest responses.
3. Limited flexibility: Questionnaires do not allow for flexibility in adapting questions based on participant responses, potentially limiting the depth of the data collected.

In conclusion, both interviews and questionnaires have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between the two methods should be based on the specific research goals and constraints.


Most of us associate ________ with good personality traits, intelligence, and happiness.

A) wealth
B) attractiveness
C) old age
D) youth

On Jun 12, 2024



Traffic jams are an example of an internal source of frustration.

On May 15, 2024



The confidence level in an experimental result decreases as the margin of error decreases.

On May 13, 2024



In the context of intensifying erotic pleasure, which of the following is true of sexual arousal?

A) Sexual arousal consists of the physiological responses, fantasies, and desires associated with sexual anticipation and activity.
B) Sexual arousal focuses on touch and the giving and receiving of pleasure.
C) Sexual arousal states that sex is not limited to certain types of situations, stimulation, or partners.
D) Sexual arousal requires being able to make positive changes without taking out frustrations on one's partner, even if one thinks he or she deserves it.

On May 12, 2024