


The figure given below shows equilibrium in a money market.Which of the following will be observed if the money supply curve shifts from S to S' while the rate of interest remains at "r"?
The figure given below shows equilibrium in a money market.Which of the following will be observed if the money supply curve shifts from S to S' while the rate of interest remains at r?   A) There will be an excess demand for money. B) There will be an excess supply of money. C) The Fed will buy U.S.Treasury securities. D) The quantity of money demanded will fall. E) The quantity of money supplied will fall.

A) There will be an excess demand for money.
B) There will be an excess supply of money.
C) The Fed will buy U.S.Treasury securities.
D) The quantity of money demanded will fall.
E) The quantity of money supplied will fall.

On Jul 08, 2024



Which of the following is not a principal characteristic of the partnership form of business organization?

A) Mutual agency
B) Association of individuals
C) Limited liability
D) Limited life

On Jul 08, 2024



Describe the features of effective training programs.

On Jun 09, 2024

Student answers may vary. The effectiveness of formal training programs depends greatly on how well they are designed. The design of training should take into account learning theory, the specific learning objectives, characteristics of the trainees, and practical considerations such as constraints and costs in relation to benefits. Leader training is more likely to be successful if designed and conducted in a way that is consistent with findings in research on learning processes and training techniques. The program design should take into account learning theory, the specific learning objectives, characteristics of the trainees, and practical considerations such as available time and costs in relation to benefits. Desirable features for training programs include:
• Specific learning objectives
• Conduct a needs analysis
• Clear, meaningful content
• Appropriate sequencing of content
• Appropriate mix of training methods
• Opportunity for active practice
• Relevant, timely feedback
• Build trainee self-confidence
• Multiple delivery methods
• Multiple training sessions across regular time intervals


Mike sues Randy for "aesthetic pollution." The basis for his suit is Randy's habit of wearing clothes that Mike considers to be ugly.Mike's complaint offers details of Randy's "ugly" clothing in many separate,numbered paragraphs.However,no law requires one to pay damages for wearing clothes that another considers ugly and for causing aesthetic dissatisfaction to some other party.Thus,Randy wants to defeat Mike's claim as fast as possible.The best procedural device for doing so is the:

A) motion to dismiss.
B) motion for summary judgment.
C) motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict.
D) motion for a directed verdict.

On Jun 08, 2024



According to the Across Cultures Competency: Hewlett-Packard,Bonnie Nixon-Gardiner got Dell,IBM,Intel,and other companies to formulate the Electronic Industry Code of Conduct.This code bans abuses such as child labor,forced labor (use of prisoners),and excessive overtime.

On May 10, 2024



Explain the term "laissez faire capitalism."

On May 09, 2024

This is a hypothetical economic system in which the government's economic role is limited to protecting private property and establishing a legal environment appropriate to the operation of markets in which only mutually agreeable transactions would take place between buyers and sellers. It is sometimes referred to as "pure capitalism."