


Which of the following is true of a number of women with eating disorders?

A) They also have depression.
B) They also have anxiety.
C) They are socially rewarded for their low weight.
D) All of these answers are correct.

On Sep 25, 2024



Discuss what is meant by an information-processing approach to cognitive development.

On Sep 22, 2024

Typically, this approach compares cognitive development to computer systems. Concep storage, and retrieval are used to describe how children acquire, remember, and utilize in approach looks at the roles of (1) selective attention, (2) storage and retrieval of inform for processing information. Selective attention is an important concept, as it focuses on screen out irrelevant information and focus on important details. This ability is important of information and for memory. The information-processing approach also looks at level prominent theory of memory divides memory into three stages: (1) sensory memory, (2) and (3) long-term memory. Sensory memory is a brief sense-based memory that fades second. Information that is processed, or "attended" to, in sensory memory may then be memory. This level of memory is our typical working memory. We use it to place new in term memory (through rehearsal and other memory strategies), or we can use it to recal that is already in memory (such as a phone number or a person's name).