


In the Chinese business culture today, they are very unlikely to engage in entrepreneurship or risk taking.

On Jul 25, 2024



When profit maximization is the goal, a company does not benefit from ethical behavior.

On Jul 22, 2024



If quick response allows multiple orders in the season,

A) profits decrease and the overstock quantity decreases.
B) profits decrease and the overstock quantity increases.
C) profits increase and the overstock quantity decreases.
D) profits increase and the overstock quantity increases.

On Jun 24, 2024



What is formal and informal visual balance? If an organization is involved in advertising, publishing, and drug research, what kind of balance should they apply to their website and why? Readers have complained that the company's website does not really meet their needs and they need to dig for information. What changes should the organization focus on?

On Jun 21, 2024

Visual balance can be either formal, in which the elements in the images are arranged symmetrically around a central point or axis, or informal, in which elements are not distributed evenly, but stronger and weaker elements are arranged in a way that achieves an overall effect of balance.
The company's website could include a combination of both balances, depending on what is typical and preferred in the industry. Informal balance is preferred in advertising and formal balance is preferred in websites for drug research and publishing.
The organization should focus on keeping their website updated regularly and removing outdated information. To make the website easily accessible to users, they should make it easily skimmable and include lists, informative headings, and helpful summaries. Online readers tend not to want to dig for buried information.


When a contracting party refuses to complete the contract before the actual time of performance,it is called a(n) ________.

A) preemptive strike
B) anticipatory repudiation
C) ante-breach
D) advance renunciation
E) executory renunciation

On May 25, 2024



Which of the following statements is true of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ?

A) It requires employers to provide all the accommodations requested by employees with disabilities, even if these accommodations cause undue hardship.
B) It specifies different criteria for dealing with disabilities in men and women.
C) It focuses solely on those disabilities that are permanent in nature.
D) It presents a challenge to managers who try to balance treating everyone the same with treating everyone equitably.

On May 22, 2024