


Products positioned in the economy quadrant of the value map typically experience a strong decline of market share unless the firm has a monopoly.

On Jul 21, 2024



Describe the role of political behavior in the leadership process and how leaders can foster or minimize political behaviors of subordinates in relation to the performance appraisal process.

On Jul 19, 2024

All leaders engage in political behavior to influence others - sometimes ineffectively.Political behavior and organizational politics focus on efforts to protect to enhance self-interest,goals,and preferred outcomes.The drivers of political behavior include disagreements over goals,different ideas about the organization and its problems,different information about the situation,and the need to allocate scarce resources.Leaders and employees are more likely to act politically when decision-making procedures and performance measures are uncertain and complex,and competition for scarce resources is strong.Even though individual differences may contribute to political behavior,such behavior is typically more strongly influenced by aspects of the situation.Political behavior is higher when leaders reward it.Because performance of employees is not easily measured,the allocation of scarce resources (such as pay)is based on complex criteria.To minimize problems with politics in performance appraisals,leaders should develop goals and standards that are a clear and specific as possible,link specific actions and performance results to rewards,conduct structured,professional reviews,including specific examples of observed performance and explanations for ratings given,offer performance feedback on an ongoing basis,rather than once a year,acknowledge that appraisal politics exists and make this topic a focus of ongoing discussions throughout the organization.


Statement I.The purchase of 100 shares of Apple Corporation stock adds directly to plant and equipment.
Statement II.The purchase of 100 shares of Apple Corporation stock is not an investment,but merely a financial transaction.

A) Statement I is true and statement II is false.
B) Statement II is true and statement I is false.
C) Both statements are true.
D) Both statements are false.

On Jun 21, 2024



In denial messages you must establish the proper tone and use you statements such as You would have known that cash refunds are not available if you had read the receipt.

On Jun 19, 2024



If a plaintiff proves that it has suffered a direct injury by another company in violation of the Sherman Act,it is entitled to recover:

A) twice the amount of loss it suffered as a result of the violation,plus court costs and attorney's fees.
B) twice the amount of loss it suffered as a result of the violation.
C) only the amount of loss it suffered as a result of the violation,plus court costs and attorney's fees.
D) three times the amount of loss it suffered as a result of the violation,plus court costs and attorney's fees.

On May 21, 2024



When the voucher system is used, the amount due on each voucher represents the credit balance of an account payable if the voucher is in full payment to a creditor.

On May 20, 2024
