


Explain what is meant by bonding.

On Jul 13, 2024

Bonding is when a person dealing with another person or company can be assured that they will be compensated if that person or company fails to properly perform their obligations. But note that the person or company that has acted wrongfully will still be required to repay the bonding company if possible, so bonding is quite different from insurance.


Mike Teevee likes to watch television and to eat candy.In fact his utility function is U(x, y)  x2y, where x is the number of hours he spends watching television and y is the number of dollars per week he spends on candy.Mike's mother doesn't like him to watch so much television.She limits his television watching to 36 hours a week and in addition she pays him $1 an hour for every hour that he reduces his television watching below 36 hours a week.If this is Mike's only source of income to buy candy, how many hours of television does he watch per week?

A) 36
B) 12
C) 24
D) 18
E) 16

On Jul 10, 2024



Discuss the changes in the accounting rules for recognition of liabilities for dividends payable after 1 January 2005.

On Jun 13, 2024

Recognition of liability for dividend payable:
- Since 2005 Accounting Standard AASB 110 Events after the Reporting Period prevents the recognition of a liability for dividends payable unless the dividend is 'declared' by the reporting date
- 'Declared' means authorised and no longer at discretion of the entity


A project has earnings before interest and taxes of $5,750, fixed costs of $50,000, a selling price of $13 a unit, and a sales quantity of 11,500 units. Depreciation is $7,500. What is the variable cost per unit?

A) $6.75
B) $7.00
C) $7.25
D) $7.50
E) $7.75

On Jun 10, 2024



A stock exchange:

A) is transparent in that participants can see prices and volumes as they happen.
B) ensures that no one gets preferential treatment .
C) Makes it easy to trade securities quickly at a price based on supply and demand.
D) ​All of the above
E) ​Both A and B
F) ​Both A and C

On May 14, 2024



The subject of how to deal with difficult people in the workplace has received increasing attention in recent years from several authors who have made several valid points in dealing with this type of person.First,everyone can exhibit difficult behaviors or be difficult to deal with at times;some people,however,are invariably difficult,and their behavior follows predictable and identifiable patterns.What are the other two points?

On May 11, 2024

Second,what is difficult behavior to one person may not be difficult for another.Third,difficult people behave the way they do because it achieves results for them.