


Those members of Congress who warned the Eisenhower administration against military intervention in Vietnam did so, in part, for what reason?

A) They accepted the British view that such intervention was morally wrong.
B) They were reluctant to support French colonialism in Southeast Asia.
C) They accepted State Department warnings that such action would jeopardize American interests in the Third World.
D) Public opinion polls indicated that such action was not supported by the American people.

On Jul 27, 2024



The Senate, following the House's impeachment vote, removed Andrew Johnson from office.

On Jul 01, 2024



What share of the nation's 25,000 banks failed between 1929 and 1933?

A) 5 percent
B) 10 percent
C) 15 percent
D) 20 percent

On Jun 27, 2024



One of the few views that Frederick Douglass and Booker T.Washington both shared was that

A) blacks should emigrate from the South to the cities of the North.
B) blacks should emigrate from the South to their "homeland" in Africa.
C) blacks should emigrate from the South to the territories in the West.
D) blacks should remain in the South.

On May 31, 2024



Discuss the issues and personalities in the 1928 presidential campaign, and explain the outcome of the election.

On May 28, 2024

The 1928 presidential campaign was a significant one in American history, as it featured two prominent personalities and highlighted several important issues. The Republican candidate was Herbert Hoover, a successful businessman and former Secretary of Commerce. He was known for his progressive views and his role in humanitarian efforts during World War I. The Democratic candidate was Al Smith, the Governor of New York and the first Catholic to be nominated for president by a major party. Smith was a champion of urban and immigrant communities and a vocal opponent of Prohibition.

One of the key issues in the 1928 campaign was Prohibition, which had been in effect since 1920. Hoover supported the continuation of Prohibition, while Smith advocated for its repeal. The economy was also a major concern, as the country was experiencing a period of prosperity, but there were signs of an impending economic downturn. Hoover's platform focused on maintaining economic stability and promoting business interests, while Smith emphasized the need for government intervention to address economic inequality and support workers.

The outcome of the election was a landslide victory for Herbert Hoover, who won 58% of the popular vote and carried 40 out of 48 states. This was largely attributed to Hoover's popularity as a successful businessman and his association with the prosperous Republican administration of the 1920s. Additionally, Smith's Catholicism and his opposition to Prohibition were seen as liabilities in many parts of the country, particularly in rural and conservative areas.

Overall, the 1928 presidential campaign highlighted the divisions within American society, particularly between urban and rural populations, and between progressive and conservative viewpoints. The election of Hoover marked a continuation of Republican dominance in the 1920s, but it also set the stage for the economic challenges and political changes that would define the following decade.


Which of the following statements about the Union League of America is LEAST accurate?

A) It attracted supporters with its ritualism and its aura of secrecy as well as its devotion to liberty and equality.
B) It was an openly partisan organization,drumming up southern support for the Republican Party.
C) It was originally founded during Reconstruction by black New England soldiers who wanted to expand black rights in the North.
D) As it spread throughout the South,the League gained the support of large numbers of black men who turned to it for political guidance.

On May 01, 2024



The Supreme Court applied the separate-but-equal doctrine to schools in

A) the Civil Rights cases.
B) Lawton v. Maryland.
C) Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas.
D) Cummins v. County Board of Education.

On Apr 28, 2024