


List the six steps in the life cycle of Plasmodium vivax, the protist that causes malaria.

On Jul 30, 2024

1. Gametes fuse in the gut of the female mosquito, Anopheles. The zygote will undergo divisions to produce sporozoites, which migrate to the salivary gland.
2. When a mosquito bites a person, the sporozoites are passed into the host's bloodstream, which migrate to the host's liver.
3. Asexual spores (merozoites) produced in the liver enter the host's bloodstream and enter the red blood cells.
4. Merozoites reproduce asexually inside the red blood cells.
5. Merozoites and toxins pour into the bloodstream, causing chills and fever.
6. Some merozoites become gametocytes, which enter the bloodstream. These are taken up by a new mosquito when she bites an infected person.


Which type of glial cells of the CNS wrap around neurons to isolate them from chemicals present in the interstitial fluid?

A) astrocytes
B) ependymal cells
C) microglia
D) oligodendrocytes

On Jul 02, 2024



What is the function of the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord?

A) It contains extra gray matter to provide the necessary innervation to the upper limbs.
B) It provides extra innervation to the heart and lungs.
C) It contains extra gray matter to provide the necessary innervation to the lower limbs.
D) It provides a large amount of neurons to control the postural muscles of the back.
E) It contains many neurons to provide accurate sensation to all areas of the trunk.

On Jun 29, 2024



The part of the brain that connects the medulla to the midbrain is the ________.

A) cerebral peduncle
B) pons
C) cerebellum
D) thalamus
E) hypothalamus

On Jun 28, 2024