


What are the five contextual variables and why are they important?

On Jul 30, 2024

Determined by organizational goals,the five contextual variables are the organization's task environment and domain,corporate strategy,technology,organization size,and work force.These factors in the firm's context determine the most appropriate managerial strategy and structure for the organization (which includes the reward system).A change in any factor may trigger a need to change the managerial strategy and the structural variables.


Which scenario reflects a job lacking the characteristic of task significance?

A) a job requiring a variety of skills to be performed
B) a job requiring completion of the whole piece of work from beginning to end
C) a job that has minimal impact on the lives of other people
D) a job allowing individuals to make autonomous decisions about the job
E) a job where a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself

On Jul 20, 2024



In terms of the capital budgeting process, net cash flows are:

A) the net cash outlays required to place a project in service.
B) the funds invested in additional assets.
C) incremental changes in a firm's cash flow.
D) the outlays that have already been made.

On Jun 30, 2024



Axle Co.'s accounts receivable turnover was 9.9 for this year and 11.0 for last year.Betterman's turnover was 9.3 for this year and 9.3 for last year.These results imply that:

A) Betterman has the better turnover for both years.
B) Axle has the better turnover for both years.
C) Betterman's turnover is improving.
D) Axle's credit policies are too loose.
E) Betterman is collecting its receivables more quickly than Axle in both years.

On Jun 20, 2024



The Illinois Central Railroad once asked the Illinois Commerce Commission for permission to increase its commuter rates by 20 percent. The railroad argued that declining revenues made this rate increase essential. Opponents of the rate increase contended that the railroad's revenues would fall because of the rate hike. It can be concluded that

A) both groups felt that the demand was elastic but for different reasons.
B) both groups felt that the demand was inelastic but for different reasons.
C) the railroad felt that the demand for passenger service was inelastic and opponents of the rate increase felt it was elastic.
D) the railroad felt that the demand for passenger service was elastic and opponents of the rate increase felt it was inelastic.

On Jun 18, 2024



EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes)is the earnings measure designed to provide information on operational performance.

On May 21, 2024



John Maynard Keynes would argue that massive government spending ___________ will pull us out of a depression.

On May 19, 2024

of any kind


Which of the following is not a business transaction?

A) make a sales offer
B) sell goods for cash
C) receive cash for services to be rendered later
D) pay for supplies

On May 18, 2024