


All of the following are true statements except:​

A) ​The majority of genetic variation exists within groups.
B) ​No one group is genetically distinct for any particular trait.
C) ​Differences between individual populations is greater than that between individuals.
D) ​Racial categories tend to be devised in an arbitrary manner.

On Jul 11, 2024



The concept of dissociation can best be described by which of the following examples?

A) Victims cutting off ties with perpetrators
B) Perpetrators deciding to no longer participate in the dehumanization of victims
C) Bystanders compartmentalizing and justify racism or dehumanization of victims
D) Victims finding a witness to observe their dehumanization

On Jul 07, 2024



The universal Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted by the United Nations in:​

A) ​2007
B) ​1968
C) ​1998
D) ​1938

On Jun 10, 2024



What are the goals of the TRC? In what ways do these goals support the healing of victims, bystanders, and perpetrators?

On Jun 07, 2024

The goals of the TRC, or Truth and Reconciliation Commission, vary depending on the specific context in which it is established. However, in general, the main goals of a TRC are to uncover and acknowledge the truth about past human rights abuses, to provide a platform for victims to share their experiences, and to promote reconciliation and healing within the affected communities.

These goals support the healing of victims, bystanders, and perpetrators in several ways. Firstly, by uncovering and acknowledging the truth about past abuses, the TRC helps to validate the experiences of victims and provides them with a sense of recognition and justice. This can be a crucial step in the healing process for individuals who have suffered trauma and injustice.

Secondly, by providing a platform for victims to share their experiences, the TRC allows them to be heard and to have their stories acknowledged. This can be empowering for victims and can help to alleviate feelings of isolation and marginalization.

Finally, by promoting reconciliation and healing within the affected communities, the TRC aims to address the root causes of conflict and division, and to foster a sense of unity and understanding among all those affected by past abuses. This can help to break the cycle of violence and promote a more peaceful and inclusive society.

Overall, the goals of the TRC are aimed at addressing the deep wounds caused by past human rights abuses and promoting healing and reconciliation within affected communities. By providing a platform for truth-telling, acknowledgment, and reconciliation, the TRC can play a crucial role in supporting the healing of victims, bystanders, and perpetrators.


Race has no objective scientific basis yet persists as a social and political category in many societies. Discuss several reasons why this concept has remained and how it is used where you live.​

On May 11, 2024

The concept of race has persisted as a social and political category in many societies for several reasons. One reason is the historical legacy of colonialism and slavery, which created and perpetuated racial hierarchies and divisions. These systems of oppression have had long-lasting effects on societies, shaping attitudes and beliefs about race.

Another reason for the persistence of the concept of race is the way it has been used to justify and maintain power structures. Throughout history, race has been used as a tool for discrimination and exclusion, allowing certain groups to maintain their privilege and control over resources. This has led to the institutionalization of racism and the perpetuation of racial stereotypes and prejudices.

In addition, the concept of race has been reinforced through cultural and social practices, such as the classification of people based on physical characteristics and the use of racial categories in official documents and forms. These practices have contributed to the idea that race is a natural and inherent aspect of human identity, rather than a social construct.

In my own community, the concept of race is used in various ways. It is often used as a basis for social and economic disparities, with certain racial groups facing systemic barriers to opportunities and resources. Additionally, racial categories are used in demographic data collection and government policies, which can perpetuate inequalities and reinforce racial divisions. Furthermore, racial stereotypes and prejudices continue to influence social interactions and perceptions of individuals, shaping how people are treated and valued based on their race.

Overall, the concept of race persists as a social and political category due to its historical roots, its role in maintaining power structures, and its reinforcement through cultural and social practices. It continues to have significant impacts on individuals and communities, shaping experiences and opportunities based on racial identity. Addressing these issues requires a critical examination of the ways in which race is used and perpetuated, and a commitment to challenging and dismantling the systems of oppression that uphold racial divisions.


Acculturation-related conflicts most commonly surface when

A) men work out of the home, while women stay home.
B) children adopt values that are in conflict with family values.
C) elders are no longer held in high-esteem.
D) family members no longer participate in church activities.

On May 08, 2024