


Describe the universality of infant-directed speech.

On Jul 20, 2024

Infant-directed speech has been documented in many languages and cultures. Comparisons of mothers from Fiji, Kenya, and the United States show the use of high-pitched speech, which is characteristic of infant-directed speech, with infants. The pattern of infant-directed speech is similar across cultures such that adults can discriminate it from adult-directed speech even while listening to a language they do not speak. For example, when adults in the Turkana region of northwestern Kenya listened to speech produced in English by American mothers, they were able to discriminate between infant-directed and adult-directed speech, suggesting that infant-directed speech is recognizable to adults of many cultures. Despite this, adults of different cultures vary in their interactions with infants.
Although parents from different cultures vary in how often they respond to their infants, parental response patterns that are warm, consistent, and contingent on infant actions are associated with positive language development in infants across cultures. For example, in a study of six cultural communities, mothers from Berlin and Los Angeles were more likely to respond to infant nondistress vocalizations and gazes than were mothers from Beijing and Delhi, as well as Nso mothers from various cities in Cameroon (Kärtner et al., 2008). In contrast, Nso mothers responded more often to infant touch than did mothers from other cultures. Although parental responsiveness may look different and take different forms across cultures, its benefits generalize across families from varying cultural communities and socioeconomic strata


Brad is in an electronics store with his parents. He looks at the CDs and thinks for a moment that he could grab one and put it beneath his coat. As he considers this possibility, he decides not to do it because he might get caught and his parents would punish him. What stage of moral development does Brad's decision represent?

A) preoperational
B) preconventional
C) autonomous moral principles
D) conventional role conformity

On Jul 17, 2024



The ability to see objects in three dimensions is most essential for making judgments of

A) continuity.
B) distance.
C) relative luminance.
D) connectedness.

On Jun 20, 2024



What is the major distinction between classical conditioning and operant conditioning

A)  In classical, you learn to respond to discriminative stimuli; in operant, you learn to respond to generalized stimuli. 
B)  In classical, you learn to avoid punishment; in operant, you learn to seek out reinforcement. 
C)  In classical, you learn to increase a voluntary behaviour; in operant, you learn to decrease a voluntary behaviour. 
D)  In classical, you learn to change a reflexive behaviour; in operant, you learn to change a voluntary behaviour.

On Jun 17, 2024



Frequently experiencing racial discrimination is best described as

A) a fight-or-flight response.
B) relative deprivation.
C) learned helplessness.
D) a stressor.

On May 21, 2024



Which statemens best describes the effect fathers have on the development of their children

A)  The presence of the father is essential to the normal development of a child. 
B)  The absence of the father has no effect on the normal development of a child. 
C)  The absence of the father contributes to the normal development of a child. 
D)  The presence of the father contributes to the normal development of a child.

On May 18, 2024