


Marco Polo's Travels was important primarily because it convinced many Europeans

A) of the need for a defensive alliance against hostile non-European powers.
B) that direct trade by sea with China was possible.
C) of the need to Christianize China.
D) that Chinese culture was superior to European culture.

On Jul 12, 2024



What were the key differences between the goals and outlooks of medieval scholasticism and Renaissance humanism?

On Jul 07, 2024

A strong answer would include
-a discussion of how those who studied scholasticism used theological and philosophical arguments to study ideas.
-a discussion of how those who turned to humanism rejected those ideas and instead turned to the classical ideas that they had rediscovered.
-a discussion of the importance of the liberal arts to humanists.
-an explanation of the humanist idea of educating the good citizen.


The "great cause of freedom" was a phrase used to support and promote the war effort.

On Jun 09, 2024



Which of the following is true of the American Anti-Slavery Society?

A) The organization's leaders and its members were united in their belief in women's rights.
B) The organization welcomed men and women of all races and all social classes.
C) The organization based its call for an end to slavery exclusively on economic arguments.
D) The organization called for a political solution that would bring a gradual end to slavery.

On Jun 06, 2024