


By the mid-1800s, what occupation was recognized as consistent with the domestic ideal and, therefore, as acceptable for a woman?

A) Nursing
B) Social work
C) Teaching
D) Secretarial work

On Jul 24, 2024



The rise of amusement as a commercial activity in the late 1800s took place for which of the following reasons?

A) Immigrants brought sports with them from Europe.
B) Employers wanted to draw workers' attention away from union organization.
C) Labor-saving devices brought a substantial increase in leisure time.
D) City reformers believed organized amusements would relieve working-class boredom and reduce the urban crime rate.

On Jul 21, 2024



Besides the French, John Adams successfully convinced the __________ to loan money to the Americans.

A) Russians
B) Italians
C) Turks
D) Dutch

On Jun 24, 2024



By 1860, what was true about common schools?

A) Every state had established a tax-supported school system.
B) Every southern state had established a tax-supported school system.
C) Northern school systems received support from labor organizations, factory owners, and middle-class reformers.
D) The common school system had collapsed due to opposition from parents.
E) The common school system had collapsed due to competition from private schools.

On Jun 18, 2024



Zemstvos and dumas were

A) district assemblies and city councils.
B) Russian cities.
C) early Russian political parties.
D) Russian secret societies.
E) Russian titles of nobility.

On Jun 14, 2024



Considering that there were very few radicals involved in the civil rights movement, groups like the NAACP remained unaffected by McCarthyism.

On May 22, 2024



The slave Onesimus,given to the illustrious colonial clergymen Cotton Mather,is most notable for what accomplishment?

A) He introduced Mather to the process of inoculation for smallpox.
B) Under Mather's tutelage,he became the first black slave to convert to Christianity.
C) He introduced Mather to African call-and-response techniques which Mather popularized within the Puritan church.
D) He introduced Mather to rice-cultivating techniques which made his master a rich man and which introduced a new cash crop to North America.

On May 18, 2024



In her lecture "Lynch Law in all its Phases," Wells denounced the stance of the government in relation to the lynchings that were taking place in the South. What, according to her, was the government doing wrong?

A) allowing the mobs to lynch black people without punishment
B) secretly financing the mobs
C) sending troops to supervise the lynchings
D) rewarding the criminal behavior of the mobs
E) abolishing police supervision of the areas where lynchings took place

On May 15, 2024



Explain the connections between the crisis of the 1890s in the United States and its foreign policy.

On May 12, 2024

The crisis of the 1890s in the United States, which included a severe economic depression and social unrest, had significant connections to the country's foreign policy.

Firstly, the economic depression of the 1890s led to increased competition for markets and resources, which in turn influenced the United States' foreign policy. The country sought to expand its economic influence and secure new markets abroad in order to alleviate the economic hardships at home. This led to a more aggressive and interventionist foreign policy, particularly in Latin America and the Pacific.

Additionally, the social unrest and labor strikes during the 1890s also had an impact on foreign policy. The government sought to divert attention from domestic issues by engaging in overseas expansion and military interventions. This was evident in the Spanish-American War of 1898, which was partly driven by a desire to distract from domestic problems and assert American power on the global stage.

Furthermore, the crisis of the 1890s also fueled the rise of populist and imperialist sentiments in the United States. Populist movements called for economic reforms and anti-imperialist policies, while imperialists advocated for overseas expansion and the acquisition of new territories. These competing ideologies influenced the country's foreign policy decisions and debates during this period.

In conclusion, the crisis of the 1890s in the United States had significant connections to its foreign policy, shaping the country's approach to economic expansion, military intervention, and territorial acquisition. The economic depression and social unrest of the time directly influenced the government's foreign policy decisions and its engagement with the rest of the world.


The most popular form of mass entertainment in America in the early 1900s was ______________.

A) comic opera
B) musical comedy
C) the minstrel show
D) vaudeville

On May 08, 2024